Falling for jai waetford

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When I was younger I was always told to dress nice and act like a lady, you know being a city girl wasn't easy. It was all about the looks and the money, and that was me being 10.

After a while I started acting rebellious not wanting to follow the rules, always wanting to dress and act how I want and my mum couldn't accept that, so she sent me to a boarding school In England.

As the years pass I got over my little
rebellious act and started following the rules, being their for four years I developed obedience and discipline along with respect for my elders.

At that school it was strict with no computers, T.v's, phones and internet it was all about school work and good behavior. The only time we got to contact our parents was once a month on a pay phone.

I didn't know anything that was going on in the real world, I didn't know the latest music or fashion trend, all I knew was I was on my way home, finally being set free from that boarding school, or as I like to call prison.

The last time I talked to my parents they said they were ordering my plane tickets and I was being sent home

So here I am now at the England airport sitting on a comfy black chair with all my luggage waiting for my plane to arrive.

It's a first time in a while that I'm wearing normal clothes. At the boarding school we got assigned to school uniform which consisted of a white blouse, a brown blazer and tie along with a navy skirt.

Now I sit wearing, blue faded jeans and a white crop top holding my plane tickets in my hands.

"Plane deporting from England to Australia, Sydney has arrived please make your way over to the plane station 103 with your tickets thank you" An overhead speaker blasts loudly with a lady's voice instructing people to their planes.

That's me, I think to my self as I stand up from the chair grabbing my luggage an heading over to where I was instructed.

As I walk to the huge line I get a few stares from people probably confused why a 14 year old is wondering the airports alone, but I ignore the looks and replace it with a confident smile as I stand at the back of the line.

The line starts to move, I walk with the line until I reach the flight assistant,
"Ticket please" she spoke quietly in a board tone.
I hand her my ticket, greeting her with a unsure smile.
"You may enter your seat number is 13 at the back" she directed gesturing for me to enter the plane.
I walked through a small hallway until I was greeted with a fly assistant.
"Hello, you may enter and find you seat" she smiles.
I return the smile and drag my luggage along with me finding my seat. When I reach my seat I place my luggage in the overhead cabinet and take my seat near the window.

I took out my iPhone 3 from my pocket, "i haven't seen you for a while" I whispered to my phone knowing it couldn't hear me.

"Talking to your phone aye?" someone says snapping me out of my daze.
I look at the person that interrupted me.
"Huh?" I question.
"You seem a but crazy talking your phone you know" he replies in a British accent.

How arrogant I think to myself.
"Oh no I haven't held this phone for almost years" I explain trying not to seem crazy.
"How come?" he queries.
"Well, I have been in a boarding school for almost 4 years, which allowed no phones" I answer revolted of the thought of that school.
"Seems boring" he replies in his amazing British accent.
"Yup" I nod my head in agreement, "it was."

"Why are you going to Australia?" he asks buckling his seatbelt.
"Going home finally" I answer.
"Oh, excited" he questions.
"A bit"

"Okay everyone, buckle your seat belts the plane will fly shortly" A lady speaks into a speaker.
"So that's your seat?" I question.
"Yeah" he answers.
A lady comes around handing out headphones, and I didn't even realise there were t.v's at the back off the chair.

I plug in the head phones and skip through channels until I find a movie marathon going on, it's all 3 Cinderella stories. I watch until the volume goes mute.

The flight attendants are at the from middle and back of the plan, as they start explaining rules and safety tips. I patiently watch them taking in every rule that they make and every tip until they finish.

When everything is explained the sound goes back to normal and I start my marathon with another Cinderella story playing with Hillary duff.

I look over to the boy I meet earlier and find him on his phone which looks newer.

I take out my headphones, "sorry I never got your name" I exclaim fiddling with the earphones.

"Dylan" he says sticking his hand out gesturing for me to shake, "paris" i introduce gratefully shaking his hand.
I put my headphones on and continue with the movie.
After the Hillary duff movie finished I watched the Selena Gomez one. Looking over at Dylan when it started and finding him awake on his phone.

I watch it until about halfway I fall into a peaceful sleep.

Authors note:

Okay so this is a jai waetford fan fic and I hope you guys enjoy, I will be updating tonight :)))


Also credit to monkeyunicorn for helping me on this book so pls pls pls pls pls read her books :))

-unexpected love
-bad boy loves me
-the bucket list
-I love him
-I thought you loved me (1 direction fan fic)

Please read them she is a great author ^^^


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