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Do you believe in the saying "The right one for the right time and right place will soon come?"


"Welcome to JYP Multi-arts School Miss Minatozaki"

"Thank you Miss" I responded.

New school, New life, New classmates, New friends, New teacher, and lastly New environment. How will I adjust myself again? This is the 4th time I transferred from another school due to my mom who always changes her work location. She's a doctor and every time she is being transferred to another hospital, I also need to transfer and yeah, meet new people in life. My life is always a f*ck up.

"Here is your schedule, room, and locker number. Enjoy your school life"
I bowed 90 degrees and bid my goodbye.

I don't hate my mom for being a doctor but I hate myself for always leaving the person who loves me and who needs me. My friends, classmates, teachers and ..... Forget it.

By the way, I'm Minatozaki Sana and at the age of 16, I started to become independent. My life revolves around me. Pretty much sure to say I'm mature enough to face the reality.  My mom is a doctor and my dad is in Japan working for his own company. We are not on good terms but he is still my father.

Walking and roaming around the school to look for my locker. This school is very huge and high-tech at the same time. No doubt that the students here are rich and good-looking and maybe, maybe friendly, I hope so.

Me being the natural clumsy girl I bumps into someone and falls into my butt. Who knows who is this person but hella bitch I'm hurt!! Calm down Minatozaki.

"Shit my butt!" I whin. I can't control my mouth.

I looked up to see who I bumped with and I saw a very cold, no scratch that a very deadly cold eyes looking at me. She's damn tall but has the perfect face, body, or should I say a goddess? Anyway, I don't give a shit.

She just looked at me and to my surprise, she walked past me and didn't bother to apologize or even help me to get up. What the hell is wrong with that girl? Rude!

I help myself to get up since a lot of students are looking at me, weirdly. That girl is really rude. I hope that I won't be seeing her again. Who knows? This is a big school.

I started looking for my locker again. Finally, I found it. Not too far from my locker, I saw my room. Good. I can finally rest and wait for my professors. I walk into my room and everyone looks at me. What's wrong? I didn't bother myself being curious why they were all staring at me and just ignored them. I saw an empty chair at the back near the window.

Great! I can peacefully rest. I walk past everyone and sit on my chair. I rested my head in the armchair. I feel drowned, I don't know. Maybe because of what happened a while ago. That rude girl ate all my energy. Her deadly cold eyes are really... Shit! Why am I still thinking of her?

"You must be a new student?"

I look up to the person who talks to me. A girl with blonde hair has a face of a baby. She looks like a peach to me. She's cute to be exact.

"Yes, I'm a new student" I answered not sounding rude.

"That's explain why."

Explains why? Is she an alien? God, don't let me be with this kind of student here. I want a peaceful life

"I'm Hirai Momo and you are?" She introduced herself

"Japanese?" I asked in amusement.

"Yes, then I assume that you're a Japanese too?"

Cold eyes (SatzuXtwice) *REVISION Started*Where stories live. Discover now