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"Minatozaki Sana, Wake up your late!" My alarm clock is back.

"Mom, I'm still sleepy. Let me sleep." I answered and covered my face with a pillow.

"You'll wake up or I'll cut your allowance?"

In an instant, I jump off the bed and run towards the bathroom. My mom is damn shit serious when she threatens me about my allowance. I need that money so that I can buy a new perfume for my collection. Perfume is life.

"Eat first before you leave and your allowance is on the table. Don't go back to sleep okay?!" Mom instructed.

"Yes, mom!" I shouted from inside the bathroom.

"I'm leaving," She said.

"Take care, Mom"

Half of myself wants to attend school and half of it doesn't want to go. I just want to rest and let drowsiness engulf me. I still remember what I did yesterday. Those deadly cold eyes are still creeping me. And the fact that I'll be seeing her again later gives me goosebumps. Should I change clubs? Idiot, you're not born to be a coward!

No! That rude will probably think I'm scared of her. I'm not!

Who cares what she thinks?

Calm down Sana and face her. She's not the most deadly person you've met.

Well, hell, I'm kinda scared.

I finished taking a bath and wearing my school uniform while thinking of what should I do later.

I eat my food, put the dishes in the sink, and grab my allowance for the day.

Well, another hell day for me. I wish that girl to die.

I arrived at school 10 minutes early. Well, I always do that. I don't want to be late. Except, when I'm sleepy.


I look back to see Momo and Mina waving their hands.

"Are you ready later after class?" Mina asked and we continued walking to our room.

Am I ready? NOT!
"Still don't know Mina. Will she eat me? I mean I'm not scared. I just want my life so silent"

They both glared at me like I did something wrong. I pulled up my hands above. Bitch these two!

"She won't eat you but she will watch your moves, when I say moves every move so make sure not to make any single mistake or else you're out!" Momo said emphasizing the OUT. 

But like, what the fuck? That Tzundere is a perfectionist? Geez, do I have to deal with that girl?

"Wait and I'll make her jaw drop with my moves!" I said that made me realize what I did just now. Fucking Holy, I'm really out of my mind!

"Woah! Sana the clumsy girl is a fighter. Let's bring it on!" Momo said and Mina just laughed at what I said. I facepalm but at the same time determined to do it.

I'm damn fucking serious. I'll make that Chou Tzuyu drop her jaw and drool over me. No one can resist Minatozaki Sana when I dance. I will take my revenge. I won't let her win. I don't give a shit about her. She will be a slave of my own body.


Time passed and we were heading to the music club. It's past 6 pm and it's a bit dark already.

"Momo-ya, what will you do for your audition?"  I asked

"Gonna dance since that's what I love. How about you?"

Me? I smirked. "I'll show to that Chou Tzuyu that I'm not like anyone else in this school who will please her." I retorted

Cold eyes (SatzuXtwice) *REVISION Started*Where stories live. Discover now