An Unexpexted Passing

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Practice had finished not long ago and Suga was making his way home. He waves to the kids playing in the park, smiles to the little dog that just walked by with his owner and before he knew it he was home. He opens the door and greets the nice old lady reading in the living room.

"Hello gran how are you today?"

"Im doing well darling, and you?" She looked up from her book to greet him.

"Just fine thanks! I'd love to know how your day was but I got a lot of homework assigned to me so how about after I finish i'll make us some tea and we can chat ok?" He flashed her a smile and went up to his room to drop off his stuff.

He walked up the stairs and opened the door to his tidy room. He drops the bag off next to the door and gets changed into some grey tracksuit pants and a white shirt with a brand logo printed on the front. He quickly checks his phone to see if he got any new notifications. None.

He goes back downstairs and walks into the kitchen. "Is there anything to eat gran?" He called out.

"I've already eaten dear but I've left you some curry in the fridge if you're hungry." She replied.

"Ok great." He opened the fridge taking the bowl of curry and placing it in the microwave to reheat it. He took it out and walked back up to his room to do some homework he had been given by his english teacher.

He was just about finished with his food when he heard a loud 'thud' coming from below him. He made his way down the stairs wondering what had made such a loud sound.

He looked in the direction of the dining table gasping at the lifeless body of his grandmother laying on the cold wooden floor. He rushed over to her, shaking her shoulders and squeezing her hand, trying to get a reaction. "Gran!" He called to her but sadly, no responce came.

• Time Skip •

He was in the waiting room fiddling with his shirt. He new she had some heart problems but she'd never colapsed before so he was in a slight shock. A man in a white coat and an unreadable expression came out from the emergency room and Suga respectfully stood up.

"She's ok right? Please tell me shes ok! Tell me she's in a stable enough condition so that I can see her."

The Docter walked up to Suga and placed his hand on Suga's shoulder. "Her heart was weak and couldn't support her anymore. Im sorry Mr. Koushi but she has passed away."

Suga stood there, wide eyed, staring at the floor. He feels something drip onto his hand. He lifts his hand up to his wet cheek, tears were streaming down his face. He could feel his chest tightening and breathing became harder and harder. Air. He needed air. He started sprinting down the hallway until he got to the main door. He pushed the door open and ran to his car, opening the door and locking himself in. He had no one left. Usually when something went wrong he would tell his grandmother and she would give him wise advice but now there was no one. No one to tell. No one to listen. He was now officially, the last remaining member in his family.

Ok so im not sure where this is going because it just popped up into my head and i had to write it down as quickly as possible so im not sure when the next chapter will come out but hopefully it will be in the next few days.


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