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"Look at her. I heard she's never done it before." Someone whispered hoarsely. Ayame bit her lip and pretended not to notice the other oiran girls. Too loud.

"It's a wonder she still gets business," another whispered back at equal volume, enough for Ayame to catch on their entire conversation, "She must be putting something in their drinks!"

The frustrated girl walked out of the main hall, her geta clacking furiously against the wooden floor. No matter how much she heard these going around the teahouse, she could never get used to it.

Despite being raised an oiran in a notorious brothel - a 'woman of pleasure', she had strictly maintained her virtues and refused to do anything inappropriate for regular standards.

Being one of mother's favorites sure helped her in this. Had she been in another teahouse ran by another tayū, she would've been kicked out long ago.

Thankfully for her, she'd had her fair share of men; otherwise she was sure even mother would've forced her into providing extra service in contrary to her wishes. She heaved a deep sigh as she moved along the gardens.

She'd lowered her volume as to not interrupt the other girls and their customers in the rooms. The sky was gloomy and the wind was absolutely freezing. Ayame hated her job especially during winter. Unfortunately for her, the lust of men go all seasons.


She rolled her eyes. Mother always knew the best timing to call her out - when she had the chance to relax. She turned to walk in the direction she'd just came from.

"Yes, mother?" She asked courteously as she got closer to the main hall where mother worked about in.

"You have a request," the woman waved her fan in the air, not looking up from her log book, "From Yamagata-sama."

Ayame tilted her head slightly to the side. How does mother expect her to know the names of all her clients? In the first place, men were advised not to reveal their names, names or personal lives in the teahouse.

The she remembered. Her eyebrows shot up until they almost disappeared beneath her bouncy bangs. "H-Have I served him before?" She blurted out. Her small hands unconsciously shot up to smoothen her disheveled hair.

"Of course," mother replied flatly with an expressionless face, "How else would he seem so familiar with you?"

It's him!

Ayame's heart thumped wildly in her chest. He had returned! The stunning district chess champion she was oh so fond of!

"Alright, I will see to him now," she bowed before heading off to her designated room. Her feet seemed to move faster than they normally would. She shook her head to rid of any unnecessary thoughts and tried to stop herself from fidgeting in excitement.

Internally she was pinching herself. How could she let something like this shake her up so much?

The room was already dimly lighted and Ayame could see the blurry silhouette of a broad shouldered man sitting on a cushion. He had already made himself comfortable!

She stood in front of the shōji for a good long 5 minutes. She tucked the sides of her kimono into the bow neatly and straightened the hems. Fixed her hair. Touched up on her makeup. Cleared her throat and threw open the door.

The man spun around at the sound of the shōji sliding open and shot her a wide smile.

Who is this?

Her heart dropped in her chest. Possibly into the chasms of her stomach. "G-Good evening, master." She greeted curtly, trying her best to hide her disappointment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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