Wait For Me[Taehyung:Yerin]

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So yeah guys this is my new update but this involves a sensitive topic; if you don't want mentions of sexual assault, please skip this oneshot and refrain from reading this .don't worry there isn't any smut in this, just a mention of sexual assault (・へ・)


Taehyung's POV

The bell already rang so lunch time was over. I went back inside the room and sat on my chair waiting for Yerin to enter class. When she arrived I smirked at what was about to happen. I wanted to prank her just to get her attention because I like her, childish am I right? Ms. Cheon arrived and started the class, she asked us to get our books and open them on our current lesson. Ms.Cheon was in the middle of the discussion when we all heard Yerin screaming at the top of her lungs and jumping from her seat earning weird looks from our classmates and loud laugh from the one and only me.

"Yah Kim Taehyung why did you place a frog in my bag?!" She walked towards me screaming.

"Why are you yelling at me? I didn't do anything!" I said denying the fact that i was the one who placed the frog in her bag.

"Oh come on stop denying it weirdo, it's obvious that you were the one who did it judging from your laugh plus you're the only one who loves to do stupid things like this to me!"

"Yah I'm not a weir-" I said fighting back until Ms.Cheon interrupted me.

"Alright you two, three hours detention after class!"

"What why?!" Yerin asked annoyed.

"Obviously because both of you are disturbing my class. Now three hours detention and that's final!"

"But it was his fault for putting that stupid frog in my bag! Why should I be included?!" She complained while pouting. 'cute'

"Enough Miss Jung now sit down you're disturbing the class."

Yerin sat down and glared at me while I was trying to contain my laughs.

Yerin's POV

Skip to dismissal time

It was all that poop head's fault. If he haven't place the frog I wouldn't have screamed and I wouldn't have to experience three freaking hours of detention. Detention was fine but three hours?! Arghhhhh!

When I went into the detention room I saw him sleeping in one of the desks. I really wanna hit his head for putting me in this situation but I just can't bring myself to do it. While in detention I was thinking of a way on how to get home because I just received a phone call from my brother that he won't be able to pick me up due to some important business. I was still debating, whether to walk all the way to our home or just ask Taehyung to give me a ride. It was really a tough decision because I'm too frightened to walk alone and if I asked Taehyung that'll be like losing my pride. In the end I decided to just ask Taehyung to give me a ride because i'm too scared to walk alone. After three hours he was still sleeping so I woke him up from his deep slumber.

"Taehyung-ah wake up detention is already over." I shook him and he opened his eyes slowly.

"Ow, Thanks for waking me up. Bye!" He said standing up and rushing through the door.

"Taehyung wait!" I ran up to him.


"Uhmm so my brother can't pick me up due to some important business, sooooo can I ride with you just this once?" I asked him hoping that he would agree.

"Let me think about it. How about N.O." he said while smirking.

"What, why? Please just this once and I'll never bother you again, pleaseee!" I said really losing hope. I really don't want to walk alone in the dark.

"Nahh I'm too tired for that. Go home by yourself. Bye!" he entered his car then sprinted off. Great! Now I'm all alone. This was his fault in the first place so why should I be the one to suffer?!

Taehyung's POV

I went back after three minutes of driving because I'm really fine with her riding with me it's just that I want to prank her more ㅋㅋㅋ. When I reached the school I didn't find her so she must've started walking. I searched for her but I sill didn't find her so I chose to go home thinking she already reached her place.

Yerin's POV

I started walking knowing that there was no other way to go home. I was walking until someone pulled me into a dark alley.

"Ya-umph" I panicked when he covered my mouth.

"Shut up missy. Now let's have a great time shall we?" he pinned my arms into the wall and started unbuttoning my shirt.

"No let me go! Help m-" he silenced me with his lips. I was crying the whole time not knowing what to do. I don't have any power because he was so strong when suddenly all went black.

I woke up looking all disgusting, my shirt was ripped and my hair was a mess. I looked at the time and it was already 11:00 in the evening. I kept crying remembering what happened awhile ago, I can't scream because he might still be here so I covered my mouth trying to stop sobbing and run all the way to my house with all the strength I have left.

I feel so dirty and disgusted with myself and I hated it. I don't want to remember what happened to me awhile ago so I went into our storage room trying to find a rope, luckily I did. I wrote a letter to my family about what happened and said my last words to them. I can't bare to stay alive after all that horror. I took the rope and tied it, I hung myself smiling. Finally it was all over now. 'Good bye everyone'

Taehyung's POV

I walked into our classroom thinking about my next prank for Yerin but sadly she didn't arrive. It was already lunch time so I went to ask her friends why she didn't come to school.

"Eunbi-ah do you know where Yerin is? Oh why are you crying?"

"Oh oppa, haven't you heard? Yerin unnie d-died because she h-hung herself in th-their house l-last night." she sobbed .

"What?!" I shouted having a breakdown.

"Her p-parents said she left a l-letter saying that she got s-sexually a-assaulted and she f-felt really disgusted and chose to e-end her l-life." she said still sobbing.

No no no no no! This is all my fault, if I haven't placed that frog in her bag she wouldn't get three hours detention! If I haven't left her alone she wouldn't be sexually assaulted! If I haven't acted childish to show my love towards her she would still be alive and breathing right know!

I walked through the rooftop letting all out when I came up with an idea. I stood near the edge feeling so guilty about what I've done and with that everything went black.

'I'm sorry Yerin please forgive me for what I have done. I'm coming with you, wait for me'.

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