Chapter One

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"Wake up it's time for school!"Mom yelled from downstairs."I'm up!"I walked to my closet threw on some skinny jeans and a shirt that was a little to long,and kept my hair down.Now normally I would curl my hair dress up nicely but,Ryan my now ex-boyfriend broke up with me last night for Allison Wakers.I walked down stairs and sat down to eat breakfast.My big brother,Dennis walked to me and kissed my forehead,"Hey turd!"I looked at him,"I'm not in the mood." "What's wrong Sydni?"I looked up at him,"Ryan broke up with me can you leave me alone now?"I got up from the chair grabbed my bag and got on the school bus.All the boys were winking at me and saying flirtatious things.I seen Ryan in the back making out with Allison,he never kissed me.I sat down with my bestfriend,Lilly."Hey I heard what happened last night you okay?"I looked up to see Corey,one of the hottest dudes probably the hottest dude in my grade.He smiled at me I smiled back,I started to blush."Wait wait like Corey Haim?"I grabbed her mouth and slid down the seat."Umm no he just smiled at me so I smiled back that's called being friendly.Betcha didn't learn that in kindergarten did ya?"She slapped my arm,"You do to like him I know you do." "Lilly I just got out of a serious relationship,I don't have time for a new boyfriend and besides I don't even know that Corey dude."She rolled her eyes,"Oh yeah because in your words a serious relationship means not having your first kiss.And I know you,your going to end up talking to him everyday just watch."I rolled my eyes,"Hey he never kissed me so.You know nothing about me."I was waiting for about two more minutes then Frank mine and Lilly's boy bestfriend would pop up in the seat behind us.I looked at Lilly and we both said,"three,two,on-" "Hello beautiful ladies." "Hello Frank."Lilly and I said as we both rolled our eyes."Syd I heard that Ryan broke up with you,after school I'm kicking his butt,just wait,you just wait." "Okay Frank I would like to see you try to beat up the quarterback."He kept talking but I ignored him and started to daydream about Corey."Syd?Come on were at school!Sydni!"I finally snapped out of Corey Land."What were you daydreaming about Syd?"Lilly chuckled."Noth-"I stopped as Corey walked passed me in the hall way,I closed my eyes and smelled his cologne that was still drifting in the air."Mhm now I'm thinking you really do like Corey!But you shouldn't his always been a jerk to you,his a jerk to everyone."l finally gave up and told the truth,"Fine I do like him a little bit,and I know his a jerk but a cute one,but keep your mouth shut Lilly Anne Lachance or so help me, I will tell Brian O'Feld that you love him so much,that he isn't going to know what to do."She gave me her scolding look,"You wouldn't."I gave her a scolding look back,"Oh yes I would."The bell rang for first class,which that meant English,Mr.Daniel.Me and Lilly walked in and I spotted Corey looking at me."Hey your lover boy is looking at you."Lilly said elbowing me.I sat down."Today's assignment is I'm going to put you in partners.You have to write a three page report and a poster of a famous actress or singer you will have a week to do this."I looked at Lilly and pointed at her as if we were going to be partners but that didn't happen."Lilly Lachance,and Nelly Lofis.Sydni Morgan,and Corey Haim."I looked at Lilly she did thumbs up at me.I did thumbs up at her and she rolled her eyes."Now in this project you will not be able to do it in this class.Only today,I want you to get to know your partner so everyone pair up and get to learning!"I leaned against Lilly"Oh gosh I'm going to die."Lilly looked at me,"Your going to die shoot you have a hot dude,I have smelly Nelly."Corey came and sat in the desk next to mine."So."He said acting shy."So."He broke the silence,"So you and Ryan broke up?" "Yeah,he is going out with Allison now." "Yeah I heard sorry." "For what his a jerk there is way better looking guys at this school." "Like who?"I looked around the room and my eyes landed back on Corey's blue eyes,they made me melt every time."Um you?"He got a big fake grin on his face."Oh yeah?" "Yeah." "Well... I don't date girls like you."I looked up at him."And why don't you,not saying that I would like to date you but what do you mean girls like me?"He rolled his eyes,"Oh don't play dumb Sydni,you think your better than everyone else."My mouth dropped open."No I don't, I don't even talk to anyone but my two friends that's it."He put his hands on the desk and laid his head on them,"Oh and I suppose having just two friends is fun for you?"I looked at Lilly who was holding her nose listening to everything me and Corey said to each other."Well I mean yeah,because their not jerks like you."He sat up acting all sarcastically hurt."Oh wow Syd you just stuck a knife right in my little heart."I rolled my eyes,"Oh Corey get over it you don't even have a heart."He stopped trying to be funny and said"Really Sydni I can be a nice guy you know?" "No I don't know I've never seen that side before."He grinned a little."Well if I be nice to you for this whole week." "Yea?" "You have to go out with me on Friday night to the dance.And if I'm not then,well you get to pick who I have to go out with to the dance."I smiled and bit my lip"Okay deal."We shook hands."I already have someone in mind that your going to the dance with."He looked at me stupidly,"Oh really?Who?I'm just dying to know?Who?Oh Sydni pleaseeee oh pleassseee tell me!!!" "Well shut up and I'll tell you...see that girl over there?"He leaned in close to me and our faces close together."Wait which one there's a lot of girls over there." "The brown haired one."I looked at him,I've never been that close to Corey face to face.I bit my lip."Oh yeah Booger Beckie?"I shook my head,"Yeah that's going to be your date to the dance."He leaned back in his chair,"And what makes you think I won't be nice to you?" "Well your never nice." "Yeah but I act mean to the girls I like."I blushed just a little to feel my cheeks getting hot."So you like me?"He smiled,"Maybe,maybe not."

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