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Gabby's pov

All the boys walked in with a fan each and everyone was so overwhelmed, I mean I definitely was, I fucking love Cameron, I've looked up to him for so many years and now I have the chance to get to know him, I'm sat backstage with him. About five minutes after everyone getting comfy and sitting down Taylor and Kaylee finally came in and joined us. However, Kaylee didn't look bothered that she was getting time to spend backstage with Taylor at all.

Kaylee walked over to me and said hi, but before we could have a chat Taylor walked over and started to talk to her again, "hey Kaylee, would you mind coming back to my changing room with me to help me find my phone charger?" She agreed and they walked off out of the room together. Once they left Cameron spoke up, causing the rest of the boys to laugh, "there's no way they are going to look for a phone charger."

Kaylee's pov

"Taylor do you mind giving me my phone back now, please?" I asked him while I was pulling myself up onto the counter in his changing room. However, he completely ignored my question, "you do realise you don't have to sit on the counter because that's why there is chairs in here?" He laughed.

"I know but this is better because it's higher, and Taylor? Phone please." I gave him a cheesy grin.

Taylor began to smirk, "I will give you your phone back if you agree to give me your number and snapchat"

I laughed, "agreed"

We swapped phones so that we could put our numbers in each other's phones and I could put my snapchat in. As I was about to give Taylor his phone back I noticed he was taking selfies on my snapchat.

"Oh my god Taylor, are you putting them on my story?" I laughed.

"You bet ya"

Well since I still had his phone. "Two can play that game Caniff". We both laughed as I started to then put pictures on his story.

After ten minutes of snapchat story wars, "I give up" I mumbled and handed him his phone back. Once he took it, I left my arm stretched out, "what you doing with your arm Kaylee?"

"I'm waiting for you to give me my phone back Caniff"

"Well, I don't know about that"

I left my arm out but Taylor started to move closer to me until he couldn't get any closer as the counter was in the way.

"Phone Caniff"

"If you want your phone back then your gonna have to give me a kiss" he paused but short enough that I didn't have time to answer, "on the lips." He smirked.

"I've only just met you today Caniff."

"So, why can't you give me a quick kiss? It didn't take you long to give me a nickname."

"A nickname?" I questioned, "I don't know calling someone by there last name counts as a nickname Caniff" I laughed but before I could say anything else his lips were on mine.

I know, I know. I shouldn't be kissing him, I've only met home today, but god. He's so hot. There's something about him I love. I can't pull away.

Before I knew it Taylor had lifted me up from the counter and had sat us both down on a chair, I was straddling his waist, however, the kiss didn't break once, our lips moving in perfect sync together.

After about a minute, I pulled away. "Holy shit Kaylee" Taylor smirked.

"What Caniff?" I questioned him.

"Didn't think that you would be that good at kissing baby girl" He smirked again.

"Well your not to bad yourself Caniff, and baby girl?" I laughed, "nickname for me too then?"

We both laughed, however I noticed I was still sat on Taylor but as I went to move Taylor pulled me back down. "Taylor what are you doing?"

"I think you should stay there a minute" Taylor blushed.

"What? Why?" I asked him, still not realising why he wanted me to stay there. Before I had chance to figure out someone knocked on the door and shouted in, "You're taking a while to find that phone charger you two!" It was Cameron.

I looked back to Taylor and laughed, "oh yeah, I forgot we were trying to find a charger", I managed to get out of Taylor's grasp to get my phone, as I did, Cameron and Gabby came barging into the room. I looked back at Taylor to see he was bright red in the face and had a jacket over him.

"So Taylor are we doing anything tonight?" Cameron asked, now in the room with Gabby, Taylor and I. Before Taylor managed to answer Cameron spoke again, he put his hand in front of his face and loudly whispered, "I think we should go back to Gabby's apartment, wink wink."

I laughed and spoke up, "what, you call that whispering Dallas?" I raised an eyebrow and Gabby spoke up.

"Yeah that's good cause my parents aren't home all weekend"

"It's a good job we have the full weekend off" Cameron laughed.

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