Chapter 2

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Y/N exited the seniors' classroom, Wonho and Hyungwon followed somewhere amongst the crowd. Kihyun was stuck in the classroom talking to the teacher for fussing around with some other students.
Y/N quietly scolded herself. First off, for liking Hyungwon. Secondly, for trying to flirt with him openly. It was a stupid idea, but if Wonho was honest about what he had said, then maybe it wasn't so stupid. Blushing silently, Y/N tried to figure out where she was headed to now. It was indeed a relief that English class had ended abit earlier than it was supposed to. She didn't know if she would've been able to sit there any longer. It was fun and all, but really. Her heart was racing like crazy.
Sighing, she started to head off, gribbing her books tightly, trying to keep calm while she felt that Wonho and Hyungwon looked her way. It felt awkward.
Y/N came to a stop, turning to see Hyungwon jogging her way. Once he reached her, he stopped infront of her.
"Uhm.. You forgot this.." Hyungwon told her, it almost felt as if he was a little too close as he stretched out his hand and handed Y/N her phone.
"Oh! T-thanks alot, hyung..", Y/N blushed, her hand stretching out to grab her phone. As she did, her fingers brushed against his hand. Quietly, she retracted her hand, trying to act like nothing happened while Hyungwon did the same. Y/N drew in a deep breath, people passing by them, throwing some looks their way. Y/N thought she probably looked stupid, standing there, blushing infront of her.. crush.

"W-well, thanks alot Hyungwon-ah. It was really-".

Y/N attempted to take a step back, preparing to retreat from the situation the best she could, but something blocked her way. In a few seconds, she was stumbling backwards. She held onto her stuff, but Y/N wouldn't be able to support herself from the fall.

Before she could think through this situation completely, a hand had snaked its way around her lower back, catching her before she could hit the floor. Y/N's eyes quickly met Hyungwons', as he hovered above her, holding her tightly in his grip. Y/N blinked her eyes, trying to realise what had just happened. A red shade crept its way to her cheeks, no, her face, as she noticed that he had saved her from falling. Y/N's breath shuddered as she tried to keep calm, seeing how close he was. She could feel the warmth radiating off his body, his breath on her lips-

"Okay, Romeo and Juliet, don't make it more dramatic.", Wonho's voice rang out. Hyungwon blinked a few times taking in what had just happened before standing up, still having Y/N in his grip. Y/N held onto her books tightly, clearing her throat when he didn't seem to have any intentions of letting her go right away. Hyungwon blushed lightly, scratching his neck sheepishly when he let go, letting out a chuckle. It was cute. But the whole situation had been awkward. Really awkward. And, not only was she embarassed and a blushing mess, she was also frustrated. Her frustration growing higher and higher as she threw a glare at Wonho.

Wonho looked back at Y/N with an innocent smirk. Or maybe he wanted it to seem innocent, but she knew very well that he had set it up. He made her trip on purpose just to make her and Hyungwon get together-


Y/N snapped out of her thinking, looking back at Hyungwon as his gaze shyly met hers. Y/N couldn't help but smile at those words even though she was frustrated like hell.

"You have no.. reason to be sorry, Hyungwon-ah. You.. really saved me there, I should be thanking you instead.", Y/N said, attempting a smile even though she still felt super duper awkward. And embarassed. Hyungwon nodded slightly, raising his hand to scratch his neck again. Was he nervous? Y/N was about to turn around when Wonho passed her, grabbed Hyungwon by the wrist and looked her over.

"Gotta steal your Romeo for a while. But I'll be sure to bring him back later.", Wonho winked, smirking as innocently as before. Y/N gave him a glare while she tried to fend off the blush that crept to her cheeks. Her romeo. Well, that would've been something.

Hyungwon gulped at Wonho's comment, before giving him a light whack on the head. "Yah.", he managed quietly, before Wonho led Hyungwon away from Y/N and the other people who were watching off to the sides.

As Hyungwon and Wonho headed off, Y/N decided to do the same before she started feeling more awkward around all the stares she was obtaining.


Y/N silently walked up to her locker, unlocked it and opened it, tossing her books inside. Her mind was still racing about Hyungwon. The way he caught her. The way they were super close to eachother. She shook her head. She should stop thinking about this now! The last lesson for today, which was friday, had already ended. Y/N was just wasting her time now. Y/N wanted to get home, maybe chat with her bestie and just forget about everything that happend today. It was all just an awkward, embarassing mess. Even though, she could admit that she had liked it abit.

Right when she was gonna pull her jacket on, her phone vibrated. Picking it up, she saw a text from her bestie.

"Finally free from the flu! Are you home yet?", she had texted. Y/N tapped in an answer.

"On my way home. And finally! It has been like an eternity? Don't you dare leave me at school alone like that again!", Y/N smiled quietly at her text.

"Oh come on~ You gotta admit that you might've liked it a little bit. ;)". That winking smiley was just to annoy Y/N, she knew that very well.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever.. You should be glad you weren't here atleast. Wonho made me trip today so Hyungwon had to catch me.. Please, never do that to me because I will seriously die if that happens again.".

"WONHO?". Y/N furrowed her brows abit. Quiestioning her friends text quietly in her head. "Yeah, Wonho. What about him?", Y/N texted back.

"You mean 'the' Wonho that I've had like, this massive crush on since, whatever grade it was?!", Y/N let out a little giggle, putting her phone down quickly to push her books down in her bag, when she picked it up again, she had gotten another message.

"Y/N, why didn't you tell me before, yah!", Y/N snorted before tapping on her phone again. "I told you before? I know I did. But you just brushed it off then!".

"Maybe because I didn't think that was 'that' Wonho we were talking about!". At this, Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Okay, so.. You have a crush on my crushs' friend?", Y/N tapped in, adding a laughing smiley at the end. This sure was getting interesting now.

"Y'know what? Get home straight away! We're gonna have a sleepover and you're gonna tell me all about this. Every inch of detail, thank you very much.", Y/N felt like scolding her bestie now because of her sassy attitude.

"Woah, woah. Slow down. Have a sleepover and maybe get the flu? No thanks!", Y/N smirked smugly as she hung her bag over her shoulder, watching her friend text her back while Y/N made her way out of school. The air was abit chilly.

"Y/N-ah! Don't do this noooow! My flu is completely gone, I swear!".

And with that, Y/N began walking home, smiling smugly at the screen of her phone while her best friend kept texting her.

((I KNOW ITS SHORT IM SORRY FORGIVE ME! ;O; I've been losing and regaining interest in this old thing like a million times now. Don't worry, I'll try my best to update it as soon as possible again! School is taking up space, so is friends and family. And writing something when your interest keeps disappearing into the abyss sure is a hell. cx But I'll try my best to keep this old thing going, since it seems like people liked it! :o I am surprised, honestly. I didn't think people would come back, asking for more of this ! c'x But please, enjoy the story and I'll see to it that there's another chapter out soon! Have a nice day!<3))

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