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So, as you all know, I couldn't deliver the third chapter of my "Hyungwon x Reader" story on time, due to alot of things. And I am so sorry for keeping you all waiting like this without any message!

First off, school has been an object for a very long time, and sometimes I could write on my story, sometimes school interfered with my time and I had to take time off writing to get school projects and tests done. Soon though, my summer vacation starts, and I'll supposedly get my writing going again. (Currently, I don't have much motivation to write, but I have a few ideas coming up though.)

Second, this story is quite old and when I first started, I was a beginner at writing. (Not saying I'm a proffessional, but I'm trying hard to make my work come to life the way I imagine it to.) So, you can say I am not very pleased with any of it. To be honest, if I should continue this story, I want to remake it. But that'd take too much time as it is right now, and since some of you seemed to like it the way it was, I'm guessing I'll keep it as it is until further notice. But, it's hard to continue writing on a story when you're not happy with half of it!

Third, motivation. My motivation, (ever since I noticed how bad my story is), lowered very much. I still want to write this story at times, but those times I either have no time, or I have something else in mind. So, it is hard since I keep putting this story at the bottom of my "to-do-list", because I am not pleased with the way it's been written.

But to the people who actually enjoy this story and want more of it, I am really, and honestly, super glad that you liked what I've written, and it warms my heart to know that people actually find this story interesting enough to keep reading it and wanting more of it. Since I've said all this now, I'll continue writing bits of this story when I have time and I'll make sure to get the third chapter up, after that, we'll see what happens.

x o x o

// Admin I.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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