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Jersey in multimedia

Jersey's pov   "Where is my money? You know how I feel about my money

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Jersey's pov
  "Where is my money? You know how I feel about my money." I asked this crackhead as I help my pistol to his temple.

"Someone jacked it off of me. Please just give me another day to get it to you. I swear I'll never be late on a payment again." He pleaded with me.I had to think about this real hard. One because I knew this guy was a father and had two daughters to be there for and I knew I would never want to take a father away from their children. I knew how that felt I have my own daughter to take care of. But on the other hand if I let him get away with this once then other people would want to have the same treatment and that's a slippery slope that would be bad for business.

"Look I'll make a deal with you." I knew if I was ever in this position I would want someone to help me."

"Anything just please don't kill me I have to take care of my daughters."

"Exactly. I'll let you have this once but I want double in two weeks and after that you get clean and take care of your daughters. I will be sure to tell all of the other dealers to never sell to you again and if I catch you with any drug again I will kill you. So get out of my face before I kill you instead."

I watched as he scrambled to get up and walked to the door. That was when I shot him in the back of the knee. I don't know why he thought that it would be that easy. Dumb bitch.

"Icesys clean this shit up please. And make sure this nigga get treated so his leg don't fall off. I got school in an hour."

Icesys was my right hand and he handled my business while I was at school or with my daughter. Her mother was taken away by her father when we were younger and she was sent to me. I later found out that her mother was killed a few months later by some nigga that raped her. Let's just say he no longer walks this earth.

 Let's just say he no longer walks this earth

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Jersey's car

I left out of my trap and got in my all black Challenger and headed to campus to chill in the lot for an hour like I normally did. When I got there the lot was packed and some nigga in a black Bentley was parked in my spot.

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