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Jersey's Daughter

Jersey's pov

As I watched Helena walk away I thought about why she would be crying. Usually I don't really care when someone cries, but for some reason seeing her cry made me think of my daughter. It made my heart hurt to see her so upset. But I pushed that thought aside and headed to class. I had Biology for first hour and I was running late so I started jogging to class when I bumped into Helena again.

"Wow we gotta stop meeting like this. I'm starting to think you like touching my body." I say with a chuckle and she laughed as well.

"See I finally got a smile out of you. But aren't you supposed to be in class right about now. You never wanna be late on your first day." I said looking down at her looking up at me.

"I mean yeah I know that. But I don't know where the biology lab is. And the people here are so rude no one wants to answer my question." She said looking down at her paper as her bottom lip trembled. She looked like she wanted to start crying again.

"No mama don't cry it's gonna be ok. Look I'm going to that class I'll take you. Come here." I say as I pulled her into me giving her a tight hug and wiped her tears away this time she let me touch her face. And I noticed that she wasn't wearing any makeup.

She looks so familiar yet I know I've never seen her before. I grabbed her hand and walked her down the hall. I asked her about what type of things she liked.

"I mean yea Brotherly Love was fucked up but,I like Scarface better. I've always wanted to be a queen pin." She said looking up at me. I never met a girl who liked Scarface other than my daughter's mother.

"Wait so you wanted to run drugs from other countries to America?" She looked at me and chuckled.

"Something like that. I wanted to do the drug thing yes but I wasn't gonna be running them I'd have other people do it. But I'd have a tight knit circle of only people I trusted and I'd never get high of my own supply that's rule number one that Tony broke." She seriously had this planned out. I'm impressed.

"I hear ya lil mama but we done made it to biology." I say as I open the door for her letting her walk in, followed by her telling me thank you.

"Late again I see Mr. Smith." Our biology teacher Mr.Chambers said to me.

"Well sir I was helping this sweet lady to class." I said pointing to Helena. He looked down at her in a way that made me uncomfortable so I know she felt it.

"Oh well welcome to my class young lady." He reached out to shake her hand holding it a little too long.

"Come on Momma you can sit next to me." I said taking her hand as I walked down the aisle to my seat. This girl named Jessica kept staring Helena down next thing I know she sticks her foot out tripping Lena. It all happened so quick but Helena caught her balance but not before snatching her wig off.

"Oops my bad honey. Should have tacked that up a little better.Need my card I can fix that for you?" She said as she placed the wig back on shawty's head. It looked better than it did before.

Jessica looked at her like she wanted to kill her. I looked around class and everyone was just staring at them. I looked back at them and started laughing. I damn near fell over  as the rest of the class even Mr. Chambers started laughing. Helena just took her seat and crossed her legs unbothered by the whole incident. She was just so poised and ladylike. Something I admired in a female. She reminds me so much of my daughters mother. I didn't realize I must have been staring because she leaned over and whispered in my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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