Chapter 1

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Sanji exhaled shakily and leaned back against the window sill, looking out over the ocean. Being home was nice, the gentle creak of Sunny's rigging as comforting a background noise as the near-silent waves on her hull. But Zoro wasn't here, and the tense anxiety bleeding through their soul bond didn't help.

Stupid marimo, staying up worrying. Sanji inhaled a lungful of smoke, and tried to focus on a sense of calm, of rightness, the feeling of being home and loved. Zoro seemed to figure it out pretty quick, and Sanji smiled at the wave of relief joylove which pulsed from his soul bond. Zoro was so much more than he deserved, especially after he spent two years hating the man for what turned out to be no reason at all.

His soul bond flashed with disappointment and a sense of being chastised. Sanji smiled. He was so damn lucky, his soulmate was, well, perfect. Perfect and infuriating and better than anything he could've hoped for.

As if in response, his soul bond pulsed with a wave of love and adoration so powerful Sanji could feel it resonating in his very bones. Zoro’s affection felt like a hot drink on a cold day, or a fleece blanket fresh out of the dryer. It pierced right through the lingering doubts and warmed him all over. “Love you.” he mumbled, pulling the cigarette from his lips and stubbing it out in the ash tray. The emotions emanating from the middle of his chest burnt hotter, and a smile crept across his face. Zoro was eager tonight, impatient. Had he been waiting for Sanji to come back? Sanji liked that idea, and the mental images that accompanied it.

Sanji could easily picture Zoro in a small room on Trafalgar Law’s ship, waiting on a narrow bunk and keeping an awareness of his own soul bond to know when would be an appropriate time. He was probably sitting up on that narrow bunk now, legs spread, back up against a wall. His robe would be open, haramaki pulled down to his calves with those baggy black pants puddled around his ankles. The red sash was probably sitting discarded on the floor, though Sanji could think of plenty of things to do with that length of soft fabric. It would make a wonderful blindfold, or gag, or it could be used to tie the swordsman’s hands and force him to submit. Okay, maybe using it as a gag would be a step too far, but the mental image of Zoro with his wrists tied to the hanging bars of one of their beds with that red sash tied over his face like a blindfold was, well, pretty damn hot.

Sanji shivered, drawing a quick breath as he felt an echo of sensation. Not injury, just pressure, firm and sure around his cock. Zoro wasn't even here and the marimo bastard was making him hard. His soul bond pulsed in his chest, desire and smugness washed with so much adoration Sanji had to bite back a moan. He palmed himself through his underwear, and Zoro's hand tightened slightly. Not enough to be painful but more than enough for him to notice.

“Shit, Zoro.” Sanji gasped as, wherever he was, Zoro began fingering himself. Gods, if this was what it felt like when they were miles apart, actually having sex would be overwhelming. Zoro’s hand stopped moving on his cock, and Sanji hastily removed his underwear. Once they took care of the situation with Kaidou, he was going to pin his soulmate down and fuck the living daylights out of that man. His soul bond flickered with curiosity, and Sanji smirked. Zoro wanted to know what he was in for? Sanji shut his eyes, and called a scenario to mind.

The two of them in the bunk room, Sanji laid out over an eager Zoro. He would pull Zoro’s sash off and use it to tie the swordsman’s hands to the bunk supports, then fold that black bandana into a blindfold and knot it around Zoro’s head. He would kiss his way down Zoro’s largest scar, and then along the top of that stupid haramaki. He’d pull Zoro’s pants off, leaving the haramaki, and then kiss his soulmate senseless. Then he’d sit back on his heels and touch himself, make Zoro moan and writhe and beg. But quietly, of course, so as not to risk waking any of their nakama. He’d make Zoro come before touching his soulmate even once, and then when the man was boneless with pleasure Sanji would sate himself.

Sure, Zoro couldn’t possibly know what exactly he was thinking since soul bonds didn’t transfer thoughts, but it did transfer sensation and emotion, and that should be enough for the swordsman to at least guess. The thrill of excitement and anticipation was all the confirmation Sanji needed, and he gasped as Zoro added another finger. Gods he wished his soulmate had been part of the rescue team.

“Shitty marimo.” he gasped, swallowing a moan. He wouldn’t last much longer, but he had a feeling Zoro wouldn’t either. The swordsman had located his own prostate, and if Sanji was this close from secondhand pleasure then Zoro must be struggling not to come. Sanji drew a harsh breath in between his teeth, and imagined himself kneeling over Zoro with three fingers in his soulmate’s ass. “Come for me.” he breathed, tightening his hand on his cock. The other man’s orgasm hit him like lightning, burning tension filling his whole body, and he could practically hear Zoro’s muffled scream in his head. His soul bond burnt white-hot, bliss and love and frustration sweeping over him, and Sanji bit his cheek as his came all over his hand.

By the time he drifted back down all his soul bond was transferring was bliss and love and contentedness, and Sanji shut his eyes to bask in the warmth of it. He wondered idly what Zoro looked like right now, what sort of expression he was wearing on that dumb, unfairly attractive face of his. What had Zoro looked like a minute ago, legs spread and on the edge of orgasm? He wanted to know, to see for himself, but that would have to wait a while. Just until they’d defeated Kaidou and had access to a proper bed

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