Meet the clans

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Sandstar- A dusty brown she-cat with grey eyes


Shadowclaw- Jet-black she cat with bright brown eyes and is always alert

Medicine cat

Lillypool- A tabby she-cat with a white belly and blue eyes

Warriors (Toms or She-cats without kits)

Tigerpelt- orange tabby tom with black stripes and blue eyes

Apprentice- Pinepaw

Foxtail- Golden brown tabby tom with red stirpes and brown eyes

Apprentice- Quikpaw

Rainwhisker- Silver she-cat

Apprentice- Applepaw

Appletooth- Reddish brown tom with Hazel eyes

Apprentices (More than six moons old, in training to become Warriors)

Pinepaw- grey she-cat with hazel eyes

Quickpaw- A silver tabby she cat with hazel eyes

Applepaw- Black tom with a white paw  and blue eyes

Queens (Expecting or caring for kits)

Sandpelt- Light brown sandy she-cat with amber eyes (Mother of Tigerpelt's kits, Shallowkit, Daggerkit, and Waterkit )

Fawnpelt- A light brown she-cat with white spots and amber eyes (Mother of Appletooth's kit, Ashkit)

Elders (Former Warriors and Queens, now retired)

Greypelt- Light grey She-Cat with dark green eyes

Ashpelt- Molted grey she-cat with Amber eyes



Pinestar- Dark grey tom with dark green eyes


 Rustypelt- A dark rusty colored she-cat with blue eyes

Medicine cat

Whitepelt- A white tom with grey eyes

Warriors (Toms or She-cats without kits)

Flowerpelt- A molted grey she-cat with blue eyes

Apprentice- Dogpaw

Tigerstripe- A brown tabby tom with dark blue eyes

Apprentice- Whitepaw

Blossomflower- A light brown tabby she cat with grey stripes

Apprentices (More than six moons old, in training to become Warriors)

Dogpaw- A brown tom with Chocolate brown eyes

Whitepaw- Pure white she-cat with black paws and green eyes

Queens (Expecting or caring for kits)

Frogpelt- A golden brown She-cat with amber eyes

Daggertooth- A Grey tabby she-cat with dark brown stripes and green eyes( Helps out new Queens)

Elders (Former Warriors and Queens, now retired)

Primpelt- A tan she-cat with light green eyes



Otterstar- Dark brown tom with light brown eyes


Quikwater- Light blueish-Grey she cat with dark blue eyes

Medicine cat

Watersplash- A white she-cat with amber eyes

Warriors (Toms or She-cats without kits)

Dapplepelt- Dark brown she-cat , splashes of orange and sandy eyes

Apprentice- Applepaw

Oakpelt- A dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Apprentice- Adderpaw

Blackclaw- Dark grey tom with one black paw and blue eyes

Whitesream- Pure white she-cat with amber eyes

Apprentice- Thornpaw

Lillysplash- A tabby she-cat with amber eyes


Apprentices (More than six moons old, in training to become Warriors)

Icepaw: A stubborn white she-cat with brown eyes

Thornpaw- A very exited silver tom with Amber eyes

Adderpaw- A very ill tempered light brown she-cat

Applepaw- Sweet Tom with brown eyes

Queens (Expecting or caring for kits)

Splashpelt- A pure black she-cat with green eyes

Elders (Former Warriors and Queens, now retired)

Rainflower- Fawn colored brown with amber eyes



Quikstar-Fast white she-cat with green eyes


Heatherbush- Silver she-cat with amber eyes

Medicine cat

 Frostpelt- Pure white she-cat with blue eyes


Waterpaw- Redish-brown she-cat with golden-brown eyes

Warriors (Toms or She-cats without kits)

Dustowl- Dusty brown tom with emerald green eyes

Redpelt- Dark red tom with amber eyes

Windfur- Dark brown tom with amber eyes

Onepelt- A grey she-cat with one green eye

Apprentice- Jacklepaw

Wispfur- Dark grey she-cat with amber eyes

Swiftbreeze- A vole colored she-cat with dark brown eyes and the best hunter in the clan

Apprentice- Winterpaw

Lionfur- Golden-brown tom with yellow eyes

Apprentices (More than six moons old, in training to become Warriors)

Jacklepaw- Mischievous light brown she-cat with green eyes

Winterpaw- Golden tom with brown eyes

Queens (Expecting or caring for kits)

Shadowfur- A she-cat with fawn colored fur and green eyes

Lightningpelt- A dark brown tabby she-cat with white syripes and green eyes (Dustowl's mate)

Elders (Former Warriors and Queens, now retired)

Volefur- A very crabby elder with dark brown fur and sandy colored eyes

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