Chapter one

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         Dustowl woke to a start when he heard Lightningpelt's cries of pain and he hurried to the nursery to comfort her, but Fostpelt, her best friend also in thier world sisters, and medicine cat was the only cat in there not even the other queens were in there to help.  He walked up to Fostpelt as a seizure took over his mate and he started to panic when all of a sudden a little bundle slid into the nest, quickly Fostpelt nipped the sack and then instructed him to lick it until it started breathing, and he did then he put the kit next to Lightningpelt's belly right as the next kit slid out.  Fostpelt told him to do the same thing, and so he did so far Fostpelt had said both were she-cats and were  lovley, and then and there a tom came into the world.  He looked at their three kits and said, " What are we naming them?" his mate said, "The  black  she-cat, Shadekit, the grey one, Mosskit, and the white tom Stormkit."  Those were the loveliest names a cat could have, he thought.  Fostpelt said, "They're the loveliest I've ever seen from a Queen, especially a fist timer."  The kits started mewling and Fostpelt said, "Your first litter always reduces your milk, let me get you some Borage leaves, O.K.?"

   Lightningpelt replied by saying in a tired voice, "Okay."  Fostpelt rushed out of the den and then reappeared instantly saying, "I think we're out of it!" Lightningpelt lifted her head so fast nobody knew that she did until she said in a low and dark sounding voice, so harsh, "Fostpelt I will not let my kits die, so you need to get me Borage leaves, right now," this time she was pleading, "Please, don't let them die!"  Fostpelt was more determined now and was asking Dustowl a question, which interrupted his thoughts, " Would you come and help me look for Borage, or would you like to stay with your mate?" Dustowl looked at Lightningpelt and asked her, "Should I leave you or would you like me to stay?" Lightningpelt said, "Your choice, my love." Dustowl decided it was best if he went and let his new family get some rest and said, "I'll go, because I truly love you Lighningpelt and our kits too."


      When Dustowl and Frostpelt were in the forest he asked, "What's going to happen to them? Will my mate and kits be okay?" She told him that she just needed some Borage and she and the kits would be good as new.  When Dustowl opened his mouth to reply, the scent of fox was overwhelming and suddenly he saw a flash of orange and told Frostpelt,"CLIMB A TREE, NOW!" and she obeyed immediately by climbing the nearest tree.  The fox's snout was in swiping distance and Dustowl took that chance, swiped and climbed the nearest tree, then he blacked-out.

     The next thing he knew he was in the Medicine cat's den and Lightningpelt was in there by his side saying, "Wake up, oh Dustowl wake up we can't be parents if your gone, please wake up?"  He lifted his head very drowsily and said, "My love, just leave me to rest for now then I will come and visit you in the nursery, Okay darling?"  When he finished Frostpelt walked over and told Lightningpelt that he was correct about resting, but incorrect about seeing his family afterwards because he would'nt be able to stand, nor even walk for a while.  Dustowl was about to protest when he noticed three little kits sleeping with him in the nest and demanded that they be able to stay and sleep with him.  Frostpelt told him yes and I got so much Borage this morning at the entrance to the camp and was astounded, but she still didn't know who put it there.

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