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Wanda groaned as her back slammed into the ground, Steve's hands pinning her shoulders down as he hovered over her, "Come on, Wanda, use that anger against me. I know you're powerful." 

Wanda let out an evil laugh as her magic left her hands and wrapped around Steve's waist, forcing him to let go of her as he was thrown across the room and into the metal wall. Wanda walked over to him, a smirk on her face, "Better?" 

"Much." Steve said as he got to his feet and sent a fist straight to her jaw. Her eyes glowed dangerously red as she threw him across the room, denting the wall as he hit it. They continued this for several more minutes before Steve stuck his foot and tripped her, only for her to grab him and bring him down with her. Wanda laughed loudly as Steve landed next to her with a thud. "Now, was that so hard, Maximoff?" 

"It was surprisingly easy." She said, Steve rolled his eyes causing Wanda to laugh, only for her wince at the pain in her jaw, "We should probably get some ice on that." 

Steve got up, putting his hand to pull her up. Once she was on her feet, they made their way to the kitchen where Steve grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and handed it to her. 

"Good lord, Steve, how hard did you hit her?" Natasha asked as she walked in, noticing the purple bruise already forming under the ice pack. 

"Hard enough." Steve said. Wanda giggled as she sat on the counter like a kid, letting her legs swing back and forth. 

"I've had worse, trust me." 

Natasha raised her eyebrow at the Sokovian girl, "Would you like to elaborate?" 

"My brother 'accidentally' hit me in the face with a wooden baseball bat." She said, "Left a nasty bruise on my cheekbone." 


It was just past midnight when Wanda woke up from a nightmare for the second time that night. She threw the covers off and slipped her feet into her slippers before leaving her room to head to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. To her surprise, a certain redhead sat at the counter, a mug of steaming tea in her own hand.

"Can't sleep?" Wanda asked as she walked over and took a mug from the cabinet. 

"What can I say, I'm an insomniac." Natasha replied, "What are you up for, Maximoff?" 

Natasha noticed how Wanda's mood seemed to darken as she sat down next to her with her own cup of tea. The nightmares Wanda had were more like horrible memories, the first being the bombing of Sokovia that killed her parents and left her and Pietro staring at a bomb for days, waiting for it to go off. The other was the day her brother died. "It's really nothing, just nightmares." 

"They're not nothing if they're keeping you awake." Th redhead noted as she turned to face Wanda, not missing the tears that Wanda was trying to hold back, "Do you want to talk about it?" 

Wanda shook her head and an idea popped into Natasha's head, "Have you ever seen a Disney movie?" 

Wanda shook her head, a questioning look on her face as Natasha motioned for her to follow her. They soon walked into the movie room and Natasha put 'Big Hero 6' in before the two settled onto one of the many couches. Natasha grabbed a blanket and spread it across the two of them as the movie started. Both of them slowly started to fall asleep and by the time the credits were rolling Natasha's arms were unconsciously wrapped around the brunette that was asleep with her head resting on Natasha's chest. 

"Aw, look that them." Tony's voice floated into Wanda's half asleep mind as she shifted to get more comfortable. 

"Tony, just let them sleep." Steve's voice whispered, but amusement was clear in voice. 

"Oh, I have got to take a picture of this." 

The unmistakable sound of a camera shutter caused Natasha and Wanda both to sit up and turn towards the two very amused avengers. Steve and Tony laughed even harder as both of their faces turned redder than Natasha's hair and the two female avengers shared a look as Clint joined them, taking note of the blush on their faces. He'd never seen Natasha blush, ever. He'd honestly thought she was incapable of it after never seeing her blush in all the years that they'd known each other. 


Wanda sat on the couch with Steve, stealing sips from his beer when he wasn't looking. Tony, Bruce and Vision all sat around the lounge area as well, two of them with their own drinks. The Avengers were having a small party of their own just for the hell of it. Wanda was watching Natasha who was in the kitchen with Clint, the two were searching for any food they could find and Wanda couldn't stop herself from staring at the redhead as she laughed and slapped Clint after he said something to her. 

A slap to her arm caused Wanda to whip around and come face to face with a smiling Steve, "You like her." 

"No, I do not. You are crazy." Wanda said, her cheeks already heating up. 

"So, you stare at everyone that way, then?" Steve asked, his smile soon turning to a devilish smirk as he noticed the red tint appearing on her cheeks. 

"Shut up, Steve." She grumbled as her eyes absentmindedly found their way back to Natasha. 

"Do you think I haven't noticed the way you've been staring at her the past few weeks?" He asked, "Or the mad red your face went when we caught you two cuddled together last week?" 


"Come on, Wanda, you can tell me. I won't say anything." 

"Ok, fine, I do. Now will you leave me alone?" 

"Oh my God, I knew it!"Steve shrieked, earning them the attention of the other Avengers. "This is awesome. You two would be so cu-" 

Wanda placed her finger to his lips, "Will you shut up? My god, you're so loud." She whisper yelled at him as she glanced around to make sure no one was paying attention to them, but her eyes landed on Natasha's and her face burned even more as the redhead smirked back at her. Wanda smiled back then quickly turned to Steve, "Is it hot or is that just me?" She asked as she abruptly stood from her spot and made a beeline for the nearest balcony. 

The cool New York air met her burning skin as she walked out and leaned against the railing. She just admitted that out loud to somebody, she never thought she'd ever tell anybody, she'd never had a crush on anyone before and never in a million years did she think it would be Natasha Romanoff. 

Wanda heard the door open behind her and rolled her eyes with an annoyed groan, "Steve, serio-" 

A familiar laugh met Wanda's ears and she turned around to see Natasha walking towards her. She couldn't help but smile at the redhead as she approached her. Wanda noticed the way Natasha's green eyes sparkled in the moonlight and found her self staring, very obviously at them. She was so busy staring that she didn't notice the redhead caught up in Wanda's blue eyes. 

Natasha was the first to break the silence, "So, do you want to go on a date sometime?" She asked, calmly, hiding any hint that she was utterly terrified to ask. 

"Yeah, sure." Wanda said, a smile spreading across her face.

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