Chapter Thirteen: The Royal Siblings Converge

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  • Dedicated to My trade Mama

Chapter Thirteen: The Royal Siblings Converge

                The door slammed open and a tall woman who looked to be at least ten years older than the Queen strode in. Her pale hair was short and closely cropped to her face, she exuded the aura of war and Elsa shrunk back against the Queen

                “Oh, Leve, how’d I know you’d be the first to get here.” The woman softened up at the sight of the queen and bowed respectfully.

                “I will always be on time, my Queen.” Her voice was deep, but not too deep.  Turning, she looked at Elsa and her eyes instantly clouded.

                “And who is this?” She asked, seeming almost angry.

                Savitta smiled happily. “Elsareth.” This shocked the woman and she looked shrewdly at Elsa. “But she prefers to be called Elsa, don’t you dear?”  Elsa nodded.

                The woman extended her hand and Elsa shook it. “I am Leveia, crown princess and leader of the Special Division of Light. Those I allow call me Leve.”  She was stern and Elsa was sure the woman would hurt her if she even tried to call her by her pet name.

                The woman was sitting in one of the many chairs that were there  just as the door opened again. This time it was a man, like Kavenan, his hair was darker, but unlike the King’s his was long and straight. Part of it was braided and bound  by a silver clasp.  A book was in his hand and after a moment more of reading, he closed it and looked up. Smiling softly at Savitta and Leveia, his eyes stopped and paused at her. Turning to look at Leveia, he opened his mouth. Before he could say anything, she answered for him.

                “Elsareth…” she answered. His eyes went wide and he smiled brightly at her. Motioning at her, he opened his mouth and nothing came out. Looking frustrated, he turned to Leveia.

                “This is Naelim, our brother and third oldest.” She said this, her voice sad but just as stern as it was before. “ He cannot speak, when he was a child… “ She stopped, her voice sounding less and less resolute. Naelim set his hand on Leveia’s shoulder and nodded. “When he was a child he tried to save one of our siblings from a kidnapper and in the ensuing fight his vocal cords were damaged.”

                Naelim tapped his lips twice and pointed to Elsa.

                Leveia continued. “He wants you to call him Nael.”  He was smiling so brightly that Elsa couldn’t help but smile herself.

                “Please call me Elsa. I would be honored to call you Nael.” Her eyes fell to the book he was reading.  “Is that a good book?”she asked. Elsa loved to read.

                He nodded excitedly and suddenly, without notice he hugged her.

                Savitta laughed heartily. “It looks to me that he likes you quite a bit. Nael is rarely this animated.”

                Nael smiled brightly at this suggestion.

                After talking, well she was the only one talking, to Nael for a while, she suddenly noticed that the door had opened and a small, petite little blonde had waltzed in. Her dress was gorgeous, seductive, and most of all it was expensive looking.

                Leveia sighed and Nael shook his head.

                The girl instantly homed in on Elsa. “And who is this?” she said in a high, lilting voice that wasn’t too unattractive.

                “This is Elsareth, she is our guest.” The Queen said, she sounded annoyed. “And how do you do, Enaris? We haven’t seen you in days. Your brother assumed your were busy sleeping over at the Duke’s.”

The girl laughed lightly. “Just call me Ena, Enaris sounds like an old lady. And yes, I was at the Duke’s. I couldn’t say no when it was Lady Emmel asking, you know?” The girl rolled her eyes and plopped down. Again, she looked to Elsa.

“Why are you here?” she asked. Elsa assumed she wasn’t trying to be rude but that was how it came out.  “You’re a bit plain, aren’t you?”

“ENA!” Both Savitta and Leveia yelled at her, looking as if they were extremely annoyed.

“You can’t say things like that, its rude.” Savitta exclaimed.

“But, it’s the truth.” Ena whined. “I mean, look at her, she doesn’t have that something, she isn’t bright.”

“Even so, you can’t just say that.” Leveia scolded.

Nael even got in on the action and pointed to her face and made a sour expression. As if to say, “Be quiet, you’re painted like a whore.”. Elsa giggled and the girl shot her an angry glance.

“Don’t pout, Ena. It isn’t becoming and it’ll run your pretty face.” Another female spoke, her voice in the middle between Leveia’s and Ena’s.  Ena shot up, her face bright again. Standing at the door was two people. Both had varying shades of blonde hair. The man just snorted and pushed back the glasses that were perched on his nose.

“Kallin, Viearna, come and sit. Avi, you too.”  At Savitta’s beckoning, Avi poked his head through the door and smiled wanly.

“You owe me for this,” he said tiredly. “It was a pain to find them all.”

“You shall get a reward in due time.” She replied, her voice light. “Now, Kali, Vivi, I want to introduce you to Elsareth. Elsa, Kali is the male, he’s our resident scholar. Vivi is the female and she is a bourgeoning diplomat. A few more years and we’ll be sending her out to distant lands as an ambassador.” The girl called Vivi smiled at the compliment and Kali blinked in acknowledgement.

“Now, there is something I must tell you and it is of the upmost importance. It also must remain a secret…” Savitta took a deep breath. “This can not get out, but since you are the royal brats- royal princes’ and princess’, it is something you must learn of-”

“Just say it.” Ena whined. “I’m having my hair done in less than an hour.”

Leveia glared at her sister. “Shush, you shallow child. If we’ve all been called, it’s obviously something more important than you getting your hair coifed.”

“If you would just let me finish…” the Queen grumbled, sounding as annoyed as Maeva had when Elsa had a fit when she was a child.  “This is the only down side to marrying into this family. I get seven siblings that don’t really know when to shut up.” She muttered half to herself and half to Elsa who was sitting beside her. “Well, except for Nael. He’s a dear.”she added after he shot her a dirty look.

“Tell us,” spoke Viearna eagerly. Elsa could tell why Savitta had said she was a going to be a dimplomat. She had a regal and calm demeanor, yet there was something humble and open about her.

“Just get it over with, there’s no use dragging it out. They need to know.” Avi said, his voice sounding as tired as he looked.  Looking to Elsa, who’s knees were shaking, he gave an encouraging smile.

She stared out into the sea of faces that had entered the room. The warm lounge, as Avi had called it, was nice and cozy, yet Elsa felt frozen.

Savitta stood up, her arms open wide. “Elsareth here…She is the One.”

A collective gasp filled the room.

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