Chapter 23 ~Remembering To Late

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(Heads up! Before you read this, this chapter contains emotional scenes! I'm warning you!)

      Singh sat on a tree branch as he looked around. He didn't know what was wrong with him. Why couldn't he kill that girl? She wanted him dead and yet he couldn't kill her. He growled and shook his head out of frustration and jumped off the tree and onto another tree. He kept doing that for a while trying to get her out of his mind and it kinda worked.

      Singh stopped and sat in top of a large rock that was beside a tree and thought of where the human that was named Roger could be. He knew it was somewhere since he came from there but, where? Singh hissed again and when he was about to run off again, he heard something or like someone.

      "I wonder where mommy went, I saw her go in the forest but I don't know where." Singh looked behind him and quickly climbed into a tree and crouched down to stay hidden better. He looked down and saw a small figure walking. He tilted his head but he quickly figured out it was what the humans called a child, or like a younger version of them. But he couldn't understand why there will be one here since everyone he encountered was a adult. But as he looked at the child, he didn't noticed that the longer he stared at the child, the more he was leaning out of a tree til his hand landed on one of the branches and from the pressure it broke off and dropped onto the ground near her.

         The child quickly stopped and looked around when the branch fell beside her. "Who's there?" Singh backed up and stayed quiet trying to not be seen but his wish wasn't granted when the child looked up and saw him. He hissed and jumped down in front of her and looked at the small child with bared teeth. "Daddy! You'll back!" She ran towards him, arms outstretched and Singh hissed and knocked her down with his tail. She groaned from her back hitting the ground and she looked at him. "Oww, daddy that hurt." Singh growled at her not understanding why she kept calling him daddy. He hissed loudly and slowly walked towards her, or more like stalked towards her, his tail raised above him in warning and in aggression.

        When she saw him walking towards her, she knew something wasn't right because he never once tried to hurt her, in accident or on purpose. "Daddy?" Singh hissed louder and she quickly crawled back, her eyes started to get red and tears started to pour out of her small eyes. "What's wrong with you daddy?" She asked but it was louder from her throat starting to get dry from crying. Singh stopped and stared at her and when she was about to get up, he pounced at her.

      But before he landed on the child, he was thrown into a tree.

          "Mommy!" The child yelled and Singh shook his head from the impact and he looked up seeing the woman he learned to be named Becca. "Stay behind me Bliss." She said to the child and Singh knew the child was hers and he was supposed to kill both of them. The child, or Bliss, ran behind Becca and held onto her leg. Signh hissed and got off of the ground and turned towards them. Becca took out her gun and aimed it at him. "Singh, please don't let me do this." She said as tears started to fall on to her face. He hissed and slowly walked towards them but stopped when he heard the click of the gun. "Please, I'm warning you, you got to remember us." He hissed at her again not even noticing that Bliss ran off and was hiding behind a tree.

      "Please remember us, we're your family." Becca said but she knew it wasn't doing no good. "Remember when we first met, how you protected me, how you shared the same feelings I felt with you, remember when we ran away, when Bliss was born, how you and her played and how much you loved her, how much you loved me!" Becca was now sobbing but she didn't care, she just wanted him to remember. Singh hissed and from her crying she didn't noticed how close he was til he pounced on her and she fell to the ground.

        The gun was thrown out of her hand and Singh was on top of her with his teeth bared. She looked at him trying to get him off of her but she knew he was to heavy to push off of her body. Singh hissed and raised his tail above him and Becca stopped struggling and looked right at him. In her eyes, was fear but also love. And when he dropped the tip of his tail on her, she laid her hand on his face and laid her lips on his.

       The moment Singh drove the sharp tip of his tail into her body something in his mind stopped his movement. It was almost like he couldn't move but the only thing he felt was a hand on his face and something pushed against his mouth. Images flashed in his mind of so many moments. When he was younger, when he first saw Becca, when they showed their love to each other, when he protected her and when Bliss was born and all the moments he had with her and Becca. His breathing became quicker and he quickly looked around and stopped at Becca's face. She smiled at him and he quickly pulled his tail out of her and saw her body go limp.

         He picked her up with shaky arms and he nudged her face with his not believing it. He did it over and over again til he couldn't stand it anymore. Singh held her close to him and screeched, his voice echoing across the forest.

       He looked at Becca's face and he laid his head on top of hers. What had he done.



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