Chapter Four: Three Flavors That Mix

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I've signed the contract.

The whole thing.

Now that I've signed it, I handed the papers back to Jordan. He stuffed it in his pocket afterwards. But then it became kinda awkward.

Declan coughed twice. "You know, we've been here for for than just an hour."

We all checked the clock. Yup, we certainly did.

"How about we go somewhere else?" Suggested Naomi.

We all nodded in agreement, but I don't know where else to go. But then a thought struck me. We can't exit using the front doors cause there's more than likely a big crowd of people waiting for us, so there must be another way out. Like a back door perhaps. Soon anyways, we did found the back doors and exited that way.

When outside, Bennett led us to his car. It was a tight fit, but we managed just fine, barely. Bennett was seated on the driver's seat; Naomi right next to him, on the passenger's seat. Then Declan and the rest of us had to make things work out at the back.

I sat on my seat; right in the middle, squashed between Jordan and Declan, wondering where Bennett is taking us. Right after we left Starbucks, Alex said she had to go somewhere else—alone—so she can't come along with us. Though when I asked her where is that 'somewhere else', she simply made up an excuse for being late if she stay any longer just to probably try and avoid answering me.

Sometimes I wonder where she even lives now, after she moved out of our shared apartment. Like come on, she is only thirteen-years-old! Surely she can't own a whole entire house all by herself!

I once tried persuading her to show me where her home is or where she lives, but the results and her reaction wasn't pretty. I plan to keep asking her once in awhile though—which happens to be very soon. She can't hide it away from me forever. She has to understand that sooner or later, I will find out no matter what.

Anyways, soon curiosity got the best of me so I had to ask Bennett.

"Where are you taking me?" I started to ask nervously. Besides, they're still The Three Musketeers and the bad boys. Well maybe with the exception of Naomi, she's just their friend. So am I, I've became their "friend" as well.

He didn't even glance away from the roads. "Somewhere," he answered bluntly.

That sure didn't help. Give me the name of the place, the location! Sure, somewhere is a place but isn't the name of that place. If no one's gonna tell me, I might as well jump out of the car. Or there's the option of calling 911, but I rather deal with things myself. Well, maybe unless these four are trying to kidnap me. Then I might call 911. But on second thoughts, it could be too late then.

Naomi chuckled from the front seat. "We're not kidnapping you," she says as if she just read my mind. "We're going to get some ice cream and refreshments, right Bennett?" She raised an eyebrow.

Bennett said nothing in return; though I think I heard him mumble a yes. Or at least something that sounded like a yes.

Jordan and Declan snorted while I kept quiet.

"Don't mind him, he's usually always like that. All casual and stuff. Anyways, what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" Declan asks, turning his head sideways, to his right, to look at me.

I knew the answer straight away. "Vanilla ice cream!" I answered eagerly.

Jordan gasps exaggeratedly. "So is mine!"

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