Chapter Six: My Looks of Popularity

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I sat on my bed that night, on the day I found the pink sticky note.

I kept on rereading that damn note, but why? I'm having a queasy feeling in my stomach that tells me something's gonna happen. That something's odd about this note.

The Fearsome Threesome.

Who are they? Ever since I've transferred to Dartwell High, I've never meet The Fearsome Threesome...not exactly yet. But I have heard about them in gossips. I know that they're popular, yeah that's for sure. They have the good looks a girl might kill to have—but definitely not gorgeous in the inside. They. Are. Bullies. Yet none of them have ran a fingertip over my skin. I've only been able to sneak a few small glances at them in the hallways, flirting and being a jerk. They are the complete opposite of me.

It's like a good girl compared to a bad girl. Anything that you'll expect, the clichés.

They smirk, I smile.

They glare, I stare.

They might smoke, but I breath air.

They party, while I study.

They push, I fall.

But what huge different are there between us all?

Our differences are what separates us, but in the end, we're all humans. People who share and live on one Earth. Unless someone is an alien on this planet who's planning an apocalypse then...yeah we're all humans.

A person's a person no matter their size, big or small.

I'm not saying that I'm 100% a goody-two-shoes. I've done bad things before, made regretful decisions. And I try my best to learn from those past mistakes. Usually the prices that I pay are painful. Like when me and my ex—

The ringtone of my phone is set off, ringing for me to pick up the call. I reach over to my left side, where my phone is laying on top of my cozy blanket. I look at the caller's ID and saw that it said...I don't recognize this caller. I set it back down reluctantly without clicking the decline button. Soon the room is filled with silence again. But not a mere second later passed did the ringtone set off again. I snatched my phone off the blanket and checked the ID again. Still the same caller ID! I held the phone in my left hand, daring it to ring one more time after it silenced. I squint at it with a suspicious look.

No doubt did two seconds pass by before the fricking iPhone rings once again!

That's it. I squished the sticky note on my right hand down against the blankets as I held the phone in two hands now. Still. The. Same. Caller's. ID. I tap my thumb roughly on the answer button as I finally pick up the call. I assure you if this is some kind of joke, I will—

"Is this Ashley Nelson on the other line?"

I recognize that voice... Immediately I brought the phone to my ear so I can hear it better.

"Oh my gosh, I swear if that's—"

"No swearing or I won't trust you that you're Ashley Nelson. The one I know doesn't swear," the person on the other line says teasingly.

"Really?" I ask in a fake disbelieving tone. "The Ashley you seem to know doesn't swear? Don't judge a girl by her looks, Jordy. She may seems like a good girl on the outside, but she may have a demon hidden inside of her. Everyone has to have a good side and a bad one."

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