The Bull's Death

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(warning! long chapter ahead, read at your own caution and if anything in this chapter triggers you then you have every right to be slapped because I could have wrote this way worse this is me at my 45/50 best and I'm tired. Shit, I didn't update "Gigi" because of this one long ass chapter and this chapter isn't even finished yet)

Eliza POV

We were so close to coming home, we just landed at the airport. I couldn't wait to see Alex get his ass kicked, best part about this was now I didn't have to plan anything, I could just lay back and watch this beast die slowly. "waiting for your lover, are you?" Alex scoffs.

 I was smart mouthed with him, "yes, yes I am and she's going to kick your ass."  I spat while applying a nice coat of lipstick on. "ain't that right Marie?"

She smirked, "of course it is and we're going to get our freedom you dick, all because--"

The short and beautiful life of Marie-- I didn't even know her last name. But she was my best friend and now my best friend is dead, gone even. I couldn't believe it, I didn't have the insight or... God, she's just dead and there's nothing more to say but I can't say anything. "you're going to regret doing that," he was a murderer; not that it was anything new. 

Guards came onto the plane, "clean this mess up," he grabbed me by the arm now forcing me out of his private plane along down the stairs. It was cold, so cold. I know London wasn't exactly warm but it wasn't as cold as Russia, I'd just been wearing a glittery long sleeved dress and a fur coat I could have needed a blanket as well. 

The one day couture doesn't suit me, wow. Real disappointment. I was forced into a car with him, he had his disgusting arm around me keeping me tight and close to him. He was playing with my hair as if I was some pet, caressing my cheeks with his fingers stroking the very strong definite cheekbones I was given. "you're such a disturbing piece of shitt, you know that? You'll spend the rest of your days in your shitt before you are ever able to lay your hands on me like this again."

Alex kisses my cheek, "nice try hon, keep talking like that I'll make sure you stay in your own shitt too."

The rest of the ride I kept to myself quietly but not enjoying it and my stomach was-- Is hurting. My babies were kicking, yes I had more than one. I was having two boys and two screaming little maggots girls, all f them are maggots! Growing inside of me, my body felt like it was rotting and more frail. I didn't each as much through the months at Dom Angelov, I grew a depression but what if I could grow a happiness when I see her. The look on her face,  growing as her corners of the two lips reach to her pumping and tomato red cheeks. 

The piercing blue eyes dawned onward me, breaking me and fixing me. Oh how I love those eyes, those mean eyes, those haunting eyes, those strong and choking eyes. Her dainty little hands grabbing, touching and pulling like a curious baby that're trying to figure me out and clearing each question behind on my body and onto my body. 

But that is why she was my baby, my "little one" and everything little more. She reminded me of what a pearl is like; A small pure jewel created from the dirt and a rather delicious sea creature. Just like how they're made is the same way she was made. She was such a broken thing before me, I think sometimes. 

The ride from the airport to Dom Angelov wasn't too long. "don't think of switching directions, we're going."

He scoffs at me, "yes my love, we're going home." Alex sighs in content. I remove his arm from around me . "oh love muffin we're gonna together forever. Get used to this arm!"

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