Moving Closer

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It was raining all afternoon, and everyone is at the GYM because of the school program. It's loud down there so I'm staying here at the Library.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" I looked up and I was taken aback when I saw who's standing there right in front of me. It was Wooyoung, the most popular guy here at the campus.

I checked the whole place and was confused why he wants to sit with me when there's a lot of free table there.

"There's no one here, and it'll be boring if I sit by myself, right?" I think he saw the expression of my face that's why he said it. I'm speechless so I just nod at him.

He sat down and read a book. While I was here finishing my first song composition that I dedicate for him. I thought that this is the great time to write what I feel because I'm near him. While I was writing down, he got up and went to the bookshelves. I continue writing until I feel someone staring at my back. I checked and to my surprise it was Wooyoung! I immediately closed the book, fixed my things and stood up.

"Uhm, I-I'll leave first." I was a bit shaking because he's smiling widely and it's kinda weird.

"Don't." he said as I was about to leave the room. I looked back and I saw him there standing.

"I have a confession to make." He said calmly. Oh, he's going to make a confession...----- WAIT WHAT! A CONFESSION? My eyes got bigger. "Come closer."

"Wh-what?" I startled as I begun to walk towards him.

"Here it is.." He started.


"YAH! DON'T MAKE FUN OF HIM! YOU BULLIES! GET OFF!" IU shouted at the bullies.

"BLEEEH! Stay with your LOSER FRIEND IU! HAHAHA! LOSERSSS!" the bullies shouted as IU stopped them from bullying the poor kid.

As the bullies ran off, IU faced the kid and helped him stand up.

"Next time fight with them. Don't be weak." IU said as she was taking off the leaves poured at the kid.

"Th-thank you." The kid said shaking. She stared at him and smile.

"Don't worry I'll be your hero. And no one can bully you again! What's your name?" IU asked.

"I-it's Wooyoung. And you?" He handed his hands to her and IU accepted it.

"I'm IU." And they shake hands.

After that day, Wooyoung left to America and studied there for 7 years. He never forgets IU and he knows to himself that he likes IU very much. As time passed by, he decided to come back to Korea to pursue his studies there and he promised to come back and be with IU. But it wasn't that easy for him, girls are all over him and everyone is looking after him. It wasn't easy to talk to IU alone, so he decided to put up a program at the school where he knows that everyone will be excited and put all their attention to it. It worked and now he's confessing his love to IU.

"Hey, aren't you going to say anything?" Wooyoung said while holding my hands.

"Yo-you mean? You like me?" I am not expecting any of this. He, he likes me? Is this real?

"Yes. I like you. Do you.. Uhm.. Do you like me too?" Wooyoung looked down and tightened the grip of my hands.

I chuckled. I'm smiling at him and my heart is really beating fast and I feel so good.

He raised his head and was surprised that I was smiling and after a moment he smiled too and hugged me.

"You like me too? Ha! I knew it is right to confess my love to you. Thank you IU." He hugged me tighter and as he released me, I was shocked when his face was so close to mine.

"Hey!" I shout but that doesn't work. He grabbed my hands and put it in his neck. His eyes were stuck to mine, and as much as I want to release from that eye to eye contact, I can't. It's like if I stopped looking at him, I'll die. So I didn't, and now he's just one inch away from my face. I can feel his breathe and hear his heartbeat.

"You don't know how much I missed you. Whenever you passed by, I want to grab you and hug you tight. And now, that I have my chance, I will make the most of it. I love you IU." If he knows how much I love him too.

He was about to kiss me when the door opened. We're both surprised and we hurriedly parted away.

It was the Librarian who confessed too that she's been eavesdropping the whole time. Instead of getting mad, we just laugh it off. She said that we two looks good together and that she won't tell the Principal about us.

We went to the Gymnasium and he said that I should wait him.

"I'll go somewhere. I'll be real fast, wait me here." He ran off as I nodded at him.

I was finding my friends until the lights turns off and the spotlight hit someone's face up there in the stage. To my surprise, it was Wooyoung.

All the girls were shouting and were mesmerized with Wooyoung's appearance at the stage.

"Anyyeong, I just want to tell all of you that I finally asked the girl I liked. I've been loving her for 8 years now and now, I have the confidence to say what I really feel. IU this one's for you." I heard gasps and unlikely comments about what Wooyoung said a while ago but I didn't pay attention to it.

He sang as if I'm the only person in the world he would sing to. He laid his eyes on me as if I'm the most beautiful girl he has ever met. Our eyes met and he stopped singing. My heart beats faster as he walks towards me, and stopped.

"IU, I love you. Will you be my girl?" I hear cheers and shouts. They were all saying yes, I listen to my heartbeat. It's shouting that I should say yes and go for it!

"Yes Wooyoung! YES! I love you." I said excitedly and he hugged me and carried me while were hugging each other . In that moment I felt like I'm the most precious girl in the whole world. As he puts me down, he kissed me on the forehead and then kissed me at my nose. Everyone is cheering for the both of us, and the band started to sing a song again. It was "Moving Closer by Never The Strangers" He hold my hands and we ran away.

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