Chapter 1

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   "Whatcha doin', Bonnie?"

   "Running tests on this substance I procured from the Fire Kingdom. It's so fascinating! I've never seen anything like it!"

   I rolled my eyes and grinned. She always got so excited when it came to science. I'd been spending the last few days with her in her lab, watching her work. It was the only way we could really spend any time together. I loved watching her work, though. She got so passionate about what she did and she just lost herself in each task, it was absolutely adorable.
   It got pretty boring, though. Personally, I had nothing else to do. Eventually, I figured we could both use some fresh air. I stood up and walked over to Bonibelle, hoping she would agree.


   "Why don't you take a break for a bit? We can fly over to the Tree House. It's been a while since we've seen Finn and Jake. How about it?"

   "Oh, Marcy, I can't. If I leave this for too long, any significant matter might fade away. It'll take at least another day to fully study this. I'm sorry."
                         ~ ~ ~

   I woke up to the sound of rapid knocking at my door. I glanced at the clock by my bed and groaned. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, groggy and irritated. Who would knock on my door at 3 in the morning? The knocking got louder and I knew I couldn't avoid it. I floated downstairs and opened the door to find Jake looking frazzled.
    "Jake, what are you doing? It's 3 AM! Why are you here? Where's Finn?"
    I fired off questions at him, not really giving him a chance to answer. I was tired and just wanted to go back to bed.

   "That's actually why I'm here, Marcy. Have you heard from Finn at all? I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so I went to make bacon pancakes. I noticed he was gone and I can't find him. He's not with Flame Princess, I already checked."
   I stared at him in shock. He was obviously very distressed.

   "No, I haven't seen or heard from him. And anyway, I'm the last person he'd come to. He probably just went out on some stupid little adventure or something. Did you check the rock candy mines? Maybe he went to get some candy and fell asleep at the entrance again."
    Jake's eyes filled with hope when I finished speaking, but it quickly faded again.

    "I can't go all the way over there right now, it'll take me hours just to get home," he said, becoming increasingly worried. I decided the only way to get rid of him was to help him.

  "Look, if I fly you over there and help you look for him, will you leave me alone and let me sleep?"
   Jake nodded eagerly, "Sure thing, Marcy. Thanks, Man."

"Yeah, yeah, don't push it."
  I picked him up and slung him onto my back. Once I made sure he was secured and wouldn't fall, I floated upwards and started to fly toward the mines. After about five minutes, I saw the mines in the distance. As we got closer, I noticed a small figure curled up at the entrance. Sure enough, it was Finn, fast asleep as I said he would be. I pointed at his sleeping form.

   "See? I told you."

   "FINN! FIIIINNN!!" Jake screamed.

   "Hey! Quiet! You'll wake up everyone in Ooo if you keep that up!" I reached back and smacked him on the head. Dumb dog. I floated down to the entrance of the mine and let Jake climb off my back, crossing my arms. He ran to Finn and woke him up.
  I rolled my eyes as the two of them acted like they hadn't seen each other in years. Suddenly, I felt something wrap around my waist. I hissed at the sudden physical contact and rose up into the air, feeling my face contort as I started to change into bat form.
   "Hey, man, it was just a hug! Sorry!"

   Jake was backing away. Only at the last second did I realize he had hugged me in thanks for helping him. I quickly shifted back to my normal state and looked at him in agitation. I grabbed them both by the backs of their shirts and quickly took them home. When we got there, I hurled them in through the window and turned to leave. They both popped out to say thanks again.

   I hissed and sped off, totally not in the mood for their cheeriness. Their positive attitudes were so irritating. I hadn't felt any sort of happiness or cheer for the past 6 months. I just wanted to get home. As I flew, I noticed the Candy Kingdom. I started to speed up as the tears filled my eyes.

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