cuttable tension

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I hate choc mint.

I have no idea why in the world I ordered it, this is what happens when I'm angry - I make stupid and rash decisions like a little child.

I pouted as I scooped the melted and gross ice cream into my mouth

We had been sitting in this ice cream shop for almost two hours now with Lawson constantly ordering ice cream as an excuse to talk to the uninterested female behind the counter. Might I add that he was shamelessly flirting while using the stupidest pick up lines, but his accomplished smile was something you couldn't knock down when she finally laughed at one of them.

The worst part? Being stuck between two very tense, annoyed and probably sexually frustrated teenagers after they'd likely been having a make out session or a fight, maybe both. I never used to understand the term 'tension thick enough you could cut it like butter' until now.

The two had returned, everyone could see the heat between the pair wether it be argumentative or the chemistry.

My eyes often met Landon's in pleas of help in which he returned with a smirk before his attention went back to Scotty whom he was having a very 'detailed' conversation with. They were actually just laughing and teasing Lawson for his tactics.

It was now that Lawson sat down at the table with his what seemed twentieth ice cream with a satisfied grin on his face, all of us looking at him to explain his excitement.

"I got her number"

With that we all erupted with laughter, even Luke having a soft chuckle which his body shook with as he did.

"so, what line finally worked?"

Landon asked with intense curiosity,
Lawson lowered his head and the group leaned in to listen.

"Are you my bladder because feeling you would make me drop my pants"

And with that the group erupted in further laughter at his highly lame pickup line.

"That's the first time that ones worked on a girl"

His eyes lit with excitement, making a few of us chuckle at his idiocy.

"Man, that doesn't even make sense"

Landon commented while he was still having trouble to calm his laughter but he only got a shrug from Lawson.

Letting the brothers bicker I looked down at my phone to see it was around one in the afternoon now, my eyes looking up at the group

"We could all crash at my house tonight if anyone's up for it, I got a theatre room"

My shoulders shrugging as I waited until the group responded. Everyone nodded but Scotty squealed in excitement as she jumped in her seat

"This'll be so much fun, MAKEOVERS!"

This earned a loud groan from the guys as Lily shook her head with a smile.

"I'd pay you to give one of these guys a make over"

Lily joked but Scotty leaned in keenly

"How much are we talking?".

Fear struck the guys faces at the sound of Scotty's very very serious tone. Lily looked shocked but continued

"I'll pay you five bucks per guy you can give a make over too"

The boys were rushing from their seats but because Lily was on the end she stood up and smirked

"Move and you'll learn how it feels to get castrated"

This girl definitely had a kick to her that could make anyone cower. Lily and I were just laughing as we both stood up.

"We all meet at Claire's in two hours?"

Lily suggested as the boys nodded.

Landon had offered to drop everyone off seeing as I lived a little ways in the bush, no houses for a few miles and definitely no neighbors.

My house was two stories with a fairly decent pool out back. It was a large upgrade from my last home regarding size and look but I did miss being able to walk just down the street to a friends house.

As I drove up the street and towards my house, my thoughts wondering to that intriguing yet strange wolf. Landon had jumped up and offered to be my taxi, something I wasn't going to refuse due to Luke being my only hope.

Landon and I kept a steady conversation the whole ride, he could tell I needed to refuel before everyone arrived at my house later that night, so didn't bring anything up about my ride with Luke.

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