Chapter Six

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•Rosarina POV•
     I watch as my family sails away to go back to their home. The flag of my old house is waving in the wind as if it is saying goodbye. Robb puts an arm around me to comfort me.
     He knows what it's like to watch your family leave. Lord Ned, Sansa, and Arya left a few hours ago to go to King's Landing with the royal family. Ned is going to King Robert's funeral, Sansa is going because she is supposed to marry King Joffrey, and Arya is going because she begged her father.
    I hate calling Joffrey my king now. Soon Sansa will be queen and have the throne that I want. I fear for her. I know what Joffrey is like and I don't want her to fall into his evil ways. I'm not worried for Arya. She's proven hat she can handle herself. Robb fears for his father, though. He doesn't know what will happen to him once he reaches King's Landing.
     Joffrey will be crowned king when he gets back to his home. Many have said that he does not deserve the throne because he is not Robert's son. He does not resemble his so called father. He looks like a child of a Lannister, and only a Lannister. There have been whispers that Queen Cersei and her twin brother produced Joffrey and his siblings. Most people believe this, and so do I.
     Stannis Baratheon and Renly Baratheon, King Roberts brothers, laid claim to the throne as soon as Robert took his final breath. They plan to march on King's Landing and rip the crown out of Joffery's hands. I'm urging Robb to stay out of this as long as he can.
     Days pass by, and we haven't heard anything from Lord Ned or the girls. The days turn into weeks and there is still no news. Robb is getting worried
     "Something must have happened to them," Robb finally suggests one day.
     "They're fine," I say and try to calm him. "We would know if something happened."
     "How can you be so sure?" he asks.
     "I just know, Robb. And you have to know it too," I tell him.
"I don't trust Joffrey," he says.
"You would be a fool if you did," I reply.
"He needs to be eliminated or Westros will burn to the ground," he says.
I nod in agreement and assure him, "He will die. His uncles with kill him and each other in the war for the throne."
     "Who will be left to lead?" he asks, though he already know my answer.
     "Who do you think? The King and Queen in the North," I tell him and he grins.

•Robb POV•
     The war has begun. Stannis has gathered his troops and so has Renly. Joffrey is not concerned, and I couldn't care less about what happens to him.
     I have received word from my father, and it is not good news. He fears for his life, but he is not able to leave King's Landing. He is being held captive and has told me not to come after him. Ro has convinced me that it is best to listen to him and wait to see what happens.
     "What if he is killed?" my mother questions. "What about Arya and Sansa? What about Winterfell?"
     "If something should happen to Father, I will become the Lord of Winterfell. Sansa is to marry Joffrey, so I believe she is safe, for now. And Arya, I know she's safe. She always is," I tell her.
     "So you're just going to let your father, my husband, die?" she asks, exasperated.
     "I will try to negotiate his freedom, but I don't think there's anything we can do. He made his choice by going and he knew this would happen," I explain.
     As much as it pains me to tell my mother these things, they are all true. He knew what he was getting himself into when he left for King's Landing. If he is killed, I know I'll have to join the war. It would be expected of me and my soldiers will be angered and ready to fight. Joffery's rule cannot continue. He has taken too much from me in the short time he has been king.
     "I can't believe you," my mother says with a disgusted tone. She grabs a hunting knife and goes to the stables.
     "Exactly where do you think you're going?" I ask as I follow her.
     "Someone has to do something about this," she says and gets on a horse.
     "You can do nothing," I tell her. "Lady Catelyn Stark of Winterfell has no power anymore. They'll kill you like they will my father."
     "Then let death take me," she says bravely and rides off without a goodbye.
     Both of my parents are gone now. They're not dead yet, but they might as well be. Both of my sister are gone as well. Jon has left for the wall and Bran is crippled. I only have Rickon and Ro left. I must protect them with everything I have. I can't lose them too.

     ***three days later***

     "No, it can't be true," I mumble to myself as I read the letter that was just delivered this morning.
     "What's wrong?" Ro asks me and looks at the letter.
     "He's gone," I tell her. "They killed him! They called him a traitor and chopped off his head! I'll have their heads for this!"
     I knew this would happen, but I didn't even have time to prepare myself before my father was murdered. Ro lets me keep yelling and cursing at everything in the 7 Kingdoms. She doesn't even flinch, like she's used to this.
     "I'm sorry," is all she dares to say when I calm down.
     "Who's next?" I ask quietly. "My mother? My sisters? My brothers? My wife?"
     "No, they won't have anymore Stark blood," she tells me. She doesn't believe a word she just said, but I want to believe her.
     "I have to fight. It's time," I tell her.
     She smiles like she's been waiting for this moment. She want our enemy's blood to be spilled, and so do I.
     I gather my army and make plans with my commanders. We plan to sail to Caelym Vulcar and gather Ro's army as well. Bran and Rickon will stay here in Winterfell and rule until I come back. If I ever come back.


Hey guys! Sorry if this is a boring chapter. School just started back for me and I'm very busy, so I'll try to update as much as I can.
Xx Hanna

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