'Alarm goes off'
Here it was. Another fucking day in the life of an emo. This is how it was everyday. Waking up to my chemical romance and not letting my mom come in. "Ruby! If you don't get the fuck up I will take off your door!" My mom screamed from the other side. "I'm up!!" I yelled back. "Bitch." I muttered. I walked to my closet. It didn't consist of many colors but I liked it. I chose a black and white Issues shirt, black skinny jeans, and black converse high tops. I went into my bathroom and turned on the shower so it was only warm. I took off my tank top and mesh shorts. I got in the shower and washed my hair and face. I turned off the shower and dried off. I plugged in my blow dryer and hair straightener. I put on my pajamas again and blow dried my hair. I pulled it into a ponytail and applied my make up. It always went the same. Primer, foundation, concealer, powder, eyeshadow, eyeliner, eyebrows, and bright red lipstick. I was pretty pale so the dark eyeliner made it more noticeable. I took my hair down and started to straighten it. My hair was bright red so when I straightened it, I looked a lot better. I put on my day clothes, grabbed my phone and headphones, my skateboard, and my iPod. I walked downstairs to see my mom watching tv. I snuck behind the counter and got a protein bar. I ran by the door and picked up my bag. "Bye!" I yelled and left before anyone could answer. I got to the curb and put in me headphones. Panic! At The Disco's Impossible Year started to play and I put down my skateboard, got on, and I was off. Off to school, off to Hei, off to hell. I was riding my skateboard when I accidentally dropped my iPod. Someone picked it up. "Give me my iPod. No one can touch my iPod." I say with a stern voice. "I-I-I-I am sorry." A male voice said. Not just any voice, Hei's voice. I looked up and immediately apologized. He accepted and asked if he could walk to school with me. I took out my headphones and told him he could come along. "We have the same hair." I say after a few moments of silence. "We do." He laughed his perfect laugh. I love this boy.AN: hey guys!! This is my second story💜 I um really liked this idea so I did it. By the way, Hei is Josh Dun and Eeliyah is Tyler Joseph. Josh's name is pronounced Hey and Tyler's is pronounced eel-e-uh any ways hope you like it💜 stay alive |-/