So, now that I actually have some minutes to spare, I'll finally update you about the musical I was in during the last week of October! I was apart of the ensemble in the musical Catch Me If You Can (there's also a movie that stars Leonardo DiCaprio). It's based off of a 100% true story of a 16 year old outlaw, who pretends to be all these different people and travels the world, to sum it up easily. I'm so proud of it. Really was something I poured everything I had into. Here's some pictures:
Me putting on my fake eyelashes and my amazing, crazy musical director (choir teacher) was like, "Lemme take a picture of you!" Bless her I love her so much.
I'm the girl in the light pink dress on the platform:
I'm the girl on the right side of the picture on the platform:I'm the stewardess in the middle: