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"Annidele?" She jerked up from her bed. Annideles mom was behind the door to her room. Her tiny, little room.
Annidele yawned and scratched her back. Yuck, morning breath. She clambered out of bed and slipped on her cliche bunny slippers.
Opening her creaky wood door with its rusty hinges, her eyes met the sight of her ungodly hallway.  Dirty laundry, a football, and even a  jock strap littered the splintered wood floors.
Annidele kicked over the jock strap, happy to have on her slippers. The floor was blistering: it was a wonder as to why her house hadn't caught on fire yet, due to the Arizona heat and her completely wooden house.
"Breakfast!" screeched her father from downstairs. "Quit screaming, it'll wake Jackson! Quit smoking, it'll kill you! Although that might be nice!"
Annidele sighed. Her dad was back upstairs  again. Her parents were divorced, and her family was so messed up that her dad slept in the basement, separate from her mom. It was really annoying, because he had no job or money, so that kept him locked up in the basement 24/7.
"Honey!" Cholla, her half Persian mom, gave a wobbly smile as Annidele came down the stairs from her bedroom. An old fan was blowing from the top of the cheap kitchen counter, next to her fridge with the weird yellow stuff growing on it. The sink was filled with dirty dishes, as always, because the dish washer stopped working years ago. The green tile floor was outdated and chipped. How was she living in this trash can?
"I told you not to wake up Annidele! She should sleep in! Bastard."
Cholla and Daniel never bothered to hide their fighting in front of Annidele. Both of them were the bastards.
Alek, her brother, was 18 and their little baby boy, even though Annidele was younger. They treasured him, and never fought in front of him. Alek used to be a good big brother, but became a player when their parents divorced. Now he picks up high school girls for sex, and even had a kid with a girl named Tiffany, but he dumped her long ago for another girl who looked WAY older than 18. Yet their parents loved him eternally. Much more than Annidele.
"Annidele!" snapped Daniel. She blinked stupidly.
"Huh, yeah? Go clean the hallway upstairs and make some use of yourself. Go."
Annidele knew better than to scowl. So she turned around and headed towards the stairs.
"This is my life now" she thought as she trudged up the blistering steps.

Hello! This is Chapter One for DONT AWAKE! Plz like this book if u like it so far, and I take helpful comments on what you predict, your opinions on characters, how much you love it, and some criticism! All BUT HATE is allowed! Bye, friends!💖

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