2. A villan is made.

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Jack is an experiment. One of a group of five. As a young child Jack was told the horrific news that his parents had died... He was sent to an orphanage, it felt like a prison to him. Gloomy walls with peeling wallpaper. Damp roof, dim lights that flickered every now and then. While at the orphanage he made four friends... A boy a year older than him his name was Wade. A quiet child he was until you get to know him. Once you did you can't shut him up! A peculiar child he all ways asked to be called Cry, from the day he arrived he had always worn a very creepy white mask. It had a black smile and eyes ingraved into it, he always was a queer one. A boy a few years older had quickly become a firm friend his name was Ken a bubbly yet strong and stern boy, he did always have a soft spot for Jack they had each others backs and they always will. The last member of their tightly knit group was Lilly. She was a real fighter and would never let anybody boss her around. She was a couple of years older than him. They all got along very well if one went down, they all went. One day they thought they hit gold! A wealthy middle aged man willing to take five children! They tried to act perfectly, polite and proper, but they couldn't hold at the end of the day they all bickered, but they all made up eventually. The man saw their wild and playful personality with amazing teamwork and trust. He thought the five were perfect for his team, so he adopted them all and took them to his mantion! For a couple of months they all lived in luxury. Dinning out, warm baths and so many snacks! What they didn't know was that they were being manipulated... One day they entered a laboratory. What the didn't know that, that lab would change their lives forever. One by one they were experimented on and were given superpowers! Though the boss as they were told to call him was expected them to use them for evil not good. Jack was given the ability to run at the speed of light, the power to control ice  and water and telekinesis. The boss experimented on his left eye the most it had turned from it's normal Californian sky blue to a green infected eye with the power to shoot a laser out of it his eye could also use somebody as a puppet controlling anybody he wanted his eye also contained a danger scence. Wade was given the power of a concussive blast, to communicate to animals, he also had darkness dimension and he could eat anything a bullet even! Cry had invisibility to slip around unnoticed, he also had air manipulation, he could also read minds. Ken could inflect pain on other people, and he was invulnerable and could heal anything exept for death!Lilly had X-ray vision, she could manipulate earth and plants and she could teleport anywhere! They all came out battered and bruised, but Jack was in the worst shape broken nose, unnaturally bent bones and eye seeping with blood. "Jack!" Ken cried out,       "Let me heal you!" Ken sprinted towards Jack. Ken closed his eyes and absorbed energy from all around and placed it upon Jack. "Who's next?" Ken asked, everyone lined up behind Lilly. "So what powers do you guys have?" Lilly questioned. Ken spoke up first. "Well it's pretty clear I can heal, but I am also invulnerable to emotions against the opposition and I can also inflect pain on any of my rivals. And I have a light brown supersuit with dark brown sleeves, boots and cape." We all nodded in response. Now cry spoke up "Well I have invisibility, I can read minds and I can manipulate air. My supersuit is black with white sleeves, boots and cape. Jack do you really think about anything except Youtube?" A looked at him with a puzzled look, I then remembered he could read minds. "Well I was thinking of uploading a video later anyboda wanna join?"
"Sure, Wade replied"
"Why not."
"Great now what's your powers Jack?"
"Well I have superspeed, ice and water and telekinesis. And you know my eye the boss gave it power that why it's infected it can shoot lasers, has danger scense and control somebody like a puppet."
Their mouths were agape.
"Well I have a concussive blast, the ability to communicate to animals, darkness dimension and I can eat anything!" Said Wade.
"Cool guys, well I have teleportation,  X-ray vision and I can manipulate earth and plants. Why do we have theese powers though?" As if on cue a loud electronic voice boomed through the mansion. "Hello, I am the boss I wanted to tell you why you now have powers. For years I have tried to take over the world, but I've failed so many times. I need power, but I am way to old too contain so much power so I choose the five of you. You have fiery and wild personalities yet you also have amazing teamwork and skill that is why I have choosen you. A group of teenage heroes have also been formed they are now your enemies... Tranning will start tomorrow at the tranning room 9:00 am sharp. Don't be late or there will be consequences..." The voice crackeld and a sweet jingle filled the room.
"Wow are we really going to be villans?" Jack questioned a sense of unease evident in hos voice.
"Hey Jack don't worry we're all in this together." Ken stated in  a serious tone. "Ken did you just quote a High School Musical song?" Lilly asked. Ken answered with a huff
"So what if I did?" We all erupted with laughter. They were all laughing now... But they're life would never be the same again...

A.N - This was Jack's and his team's introduction Mark's team will be introduced in the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed!!!
Peace out ✌🏻
~ Shortyoutubeaddict

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