November - 1

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"He's a jerk," Bailey said for the third time since Marcy awoke. She told Bailey about what happened, leaving out as many Bradley details as she could.

Marcy shrugged, clutching the hot coffee in her hands. Bailey had been nice enough to run out a grab them some hot beverages, telling Marcy it made girl talk easier.

"Mhm." Marcy's head hurt, and she felt like her body was too heavy to do move. She told herself it was her hangover, not Trym.

"I mean, you finally gather the courage and then WHAM. He's having a pool session with another girl. That's just sick."

Marcy winced, sipping at her drink. Her arm shook before collapsing back onto the armrest. "Yeah."

Bailey rubbed her friend's arm, a sympathetic pout on her face. "What do you think we should do? Get revenge? Too bad he doesn't own a car. Then we could have driven it off a bridge or smashed all the windows on it with a baseball bat."

"I'm really not that type of girl, Bails."

Bailey snorted. "I know. That's exactly why we should do something. He won't expect it."

"I think Bradley's given him enough to deal with," Marcy said, taking a gulp of her coffee. It was too hot, burning her tongue. She looked to Bailey, knowing she'd said the wrong thing. There was fake smile stretched across her friend's face.

"What?" she asked, barely moving her lips.

"Oh, well... Last night, Bradley kidnapped me. So we could prank Trym."

"Oh... What did you guys do?"

"Not a lot. They bleached Trym's uniform, spray painted the side of the college and... yeah."

"Is that all?"

Marcy looked down at her fingers, mumbling, "The jerk kissed me while his friend took a photo." It was silent in Bailey's tiny kitchen. Marcy could hear the water dropping in the sink. When it became too much she looked up at Bailey' blank face.

"Well then," she said, grabbing her cup and standing up. "I guess we have two people to get back, hm?"

Bailey being the awesome friend that she was, walked all the way to Trym's place to get Marcy's stuff for her. When she came back, she was accompanied by a bag of donuts.

"Thank you so, so much," Marcy said, digging into the bag. "Gosh, you're a lifesaver."

Bailey smiled, her mischievous glint back in her eye. "Oh believe me, it was a pleasure."

Marcy nibbled on her donut, looking her friend over. "...oh my gosh, what did you do?"

Bailey sat down beside her, snatching up her own donut. "Nothing too bad."

"What do you mean?" Marcy asked through a mouthful of deliciousness. Her friend started chowing down on her treat and avoiding eye contact. "Bailey..."

Finally, Bailey swallowed. "I kicked Trym in the balls."

Marcy almost choked. "You—what!"

"I kicked him. I didn't think I could get away with doing any property damage, so I decided to attack what caused the problem."

Marcy started laughing, covering her mouth with her hand to keep from spraying donut bits everywhere. "Oh Bailey!" She hugged her friend. "You go girl!"

Bailey snorted, gobbling up the rest of her donut. "Yeah, yeah. It wasn't easy getting out of there though. After that, all his roommates came barreling toward me, and I had to use my epic ninja skills to escape."

Marcy fanned her friend with another donut. "How on earth did you manage to escape?"

Bailey snatched up the sugary treat, taking a huge bite before Marcy could object. "Let's just say Trym wasn't the only one I kicked."  

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