December - 1

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She didn't know how she made it on to campus, but when she arrived, she felt like she should've regret it. People passed, giving her side glances and brief once overs. She didn't know what she looked like, but she was convinced she didn't look as bad as she felt. Which was inexplicably dead.

Marcy's eyes scanned the space, spotting and locking on to their target. She stomped up to Bailey, who was engaging in a bold conversation with Bradley. It was weird, seeing them talk to each other.

"You!" Marcy growled, ramming right into her friend.

Bailey stumbled back, turning to look Marcy head on. Her cheeks were bright pink and her gaze wavered, as if she couldn't quite focus.

"YOU LIAR!" Marcy screamed, grabbing one of Bradley's thick textbooks to throw at Bailey's head. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?" There was a reason Marcy never tried out for sports and as she watched the books scatter themselves across the lawn, she rediscovered why.

Bailey raised her hands in defense, her lips pursed. In the background, Marcy could hear Bradley and his friends laughing. "Do what?"

A professor ran up, wedging himself between Bailey and Marcy. Bailey was a good four inches taller than the man, so their eye contact wasn't cut off. Marcy watched Bailey's lips stretch into a nasty sneer and she snapped, crying out as she lunged toward the taller girl. The man caught her awkwardly by the waist. "Whoa whoa whoa little lady. Settle down. What seems to be the problem here?"

Marcy glared at Bailey, wishing her eyes could burn holes in her skin. What could she say? Marcy already looked hysteric. If she told them about this, would they take her seriously? Did they know her medical history? Would they think she was crazy or lying? Or just some jealous ex-girlfriend?

Marcy straightened up, willing herself not to cry. "Nothing. I... it's all a misunderstanding."

The professor gave her a look. "Are you sure? Do we need to take this to my office?"

Marcy shook her head, backing up. She looked at the few students who had stopped to watch the scene. "No, no. It's fine."


Marcy turned, walking away from her stupid friend as she made her way off stupid campus. What would have happened if that professor hadn't been there to stop her? Marcy took a deep breath, a bit of her raging anger resurfacing. She'd felt mad enough to snap something and at the time she wanted it to be Bailey's neck. How could her friend do this to her? Better yet, who could she trust now? Who could she turn to?

Marcy looked around at the fading light, wondering if she had enough money on her to check her into a motel. Of course, she'd have to find a motel first. Marcy turned, looking for the street that would lead her to the cafe. Maybe she could ask someone or get help along the way? She started walking back toward campus, figuring she had enough strength left in her to suck it all up and ask for help. She could avoid the professor. She could ask that nice lady at the welcome desk for help.

She could do this.

Marcy felt a burst of wind hit her, waking her up and taking her sorrows. This wasn't so bad, she told herself. Things would turn out. They always did.

Marcy stepped up to the corner of the street, waiting for the light to change. There was a lonely car idling at the light and she looked over, instinctively smiling. The window rolled down.

"You lost, little lady?"

She shook her head, trying to keep her smile intact. All it did was creep her out. When the light changed she watched the car zoom forward, and her shoulders relaxed into her back. She walked across the street, her positive vibes coming back. She decided to call her work and tell them she wouldn't be able to make it tonight.

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