LoveWrecked (Chapter 1)

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Chapter 1:

A Forbidden Journey

" Be careful Sofia, don't let strangers harm you. " As far as i could remember, That was the last

advice my mom said to me. Being trapped in this island with someone whom I don't know was the

WORSTthing that happened to me at this point. It's my 2nd day here in this island, but i don't really

bother talking to him. He's really grumpy . It's one of the main things that I consider 'cause he'll just

add MORE to my problems. My Problems? Here it goes. No other clothes, no food rather than

clams, fish and fruits , no stable shelter, etc. But most especially, I need connection to the other

side of that horizon. I miss my family, friends and living the life that I NORMALLY had. I still

remember all the lies and bad things that I've done that led me here in this really boring place. It all

started Last Monday........

                                                It was really sunny that day and it is a slightly fun day. After Mr. Cipriano's

class in GeneralScience, we all headed to the canteen. The line for the food was

loooooooooooooooooong, that itmade myself just sit in the corner and study lessons for Music

class. " Hey Fia! sup? " I was shocked when Mark instantly appeared in front of me. "Uhmm

everything's good." Everything felt awkward that moment, Cause he was staring at me, like STARE.

" Is there a problem, mark? " He just blinked like I did'nt said a word to make him respond. " Would

you like to come with us this coming weekend?" he said , looking REALLY excited for something. "

To where? " i asked curiously. " Uhm, my dad had a new yacht . And he asks if I could bring some

friends over for a , youknow, get together or something." He then smiled. I am really into those kind

of stuffs. Going to beach, sleep overs and boat rides. " Uhm, I'll try. Oh where is the location

anyway? " . " My dad did'nt mentioned it . It was a surprise, though. " I felt excited." Oh okay. I'll first

tell my parents. " ." Yeah sure. I'll be waiting for your respond. " Smiled and headed to his friends. I

told Jonah about this and her only reply was. a big N-O. She hates it when things get complicated

and tricky. She really don't want me to be in danger , trouble or something. So, school time is over. I

headed straight home. My dad was in the couch , watching 'The Walking Dead Season 2' . That was

a tough thing to watch. And, My mom, was upstairs warching television with my siblings. I am really

nervous about asking for permission for the yacht thing, so i kinda lied. "Hey mom, can I go to

Mark's House this weekend?" Mom, turned and looked at me." WHAT are you gonna do there? " . "

He has this get- together. My Circle of friends will be there. Actually, its an overnight party, maybe, I'd

be here for Sunday. I'll be leaving for Saturday in the afternoon." my mom's face went light. "It's fine

with me, go tell your dad." OH NO. DAD? If it's always fine with mom, it's always a NO! from dad.

Before I could say the whole thing he said." NO. Im not letting you go there." And I'm like. I TOLD

YOU. YOU NEVER SHOULD'VE TRIED! But, i still want to go there. It's Saturday and i told Mark that I

will be joining them. He was like, YES! So, i packed everything, secretly , and threw it outside. I told

them that I would be going to Jonah's House for some reseach group project for our English Class

. My mom told me "Be careful Sofia, don't let strangers harm you." and I did'nt mind it.

                                             So , I headed to Mark's House and we got into their car and drove all the

way to Zambales. I have been here, last summer. It was afternoon and it's raining hard . We went to

the yacht and fixed our things there. Right, when I was about to unpack my things, I noticed a guy.

He was like, staring at me, every 30 seconds. I felt awkward. I think we are of the same age. Tall,

fair, Great haircut and a nice outfit. Still, he looks very grumpy. "Mark, who is that guy? " I asked him

curiously. "Oh, he is the son of my Dad's friend. Why? " "Nothing. Mark, isn't it a bit dangerous for us

to go to the sea? I think there is a storm." "Nah, dad can handle it." I did not depend much on his

lame answer, so I went to my phone and searched up an answer for my question. I googled what is

the atmospheric condition in the philippines, it stated that there was a LPA and it was about to

become a storm tonight. I felt a cold thing at my spine. I was so nervous and scared. After 30

minutes, i realized that my phone was already dead. And the hard thing about this is that, I LEFT MY

CHARGER. Happy , right? this made me regret all the lies and the things i have done to my parents.

I should not be in here. They were right, it's dangerous here. But, all of my regrets won't change

anything. I am already here. I already betrayed and disobeyed them. I was asleep for 3 hours until a

shout awakened me. " THERE'S A FIRE! THERE'S A FIRE!" At first, I thought that I was just

dreaming, but in reality, the people outside were panicking. There was not a life vest or something

to grab on in the middle of the sea. I took everything important, my cellphone and some things that

can be used for survival. Just when I was about to get some extra clothes, a huge wave swallowed

the yacht . After that, all I know was I am stranded in this island with the guy in the yacht , hopeless.

He has no plans of approaching me. Well, I think I will be strive to get out of this island alone, not

unti he aprroaches me, i guess.

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