LoveWrecked (Chapter 3)

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 Chapter 3:

Mystery No More.

“Did you ever wonder, why I still don’t have a girlfriend?” He interrupted the smooth silence as we

were star gazing. “No, I won’t dare to. Besides, you would just say that I have a crush on you, silly

boy.” I started wondering why. I admit, I have crushes since pre-school. But, I just fell in love at the

age of 13. And that time, I had my first boyfriend whom ended up leaving me. Cause of that thing, I

swore, I would never fall in love again. ‘ There would be nothing worse than falling in love in the

right person at the wrong time.’ I always depend on that silly quote. But , I think this moment with

Louie might be a good excuse from that. It’s already dark and the stars are more visible than the

past hour. As I look up above in the sky, we then went back to our conversation. “Nah, I am

generous enough to tell you more about me.” He paused as he draws things on the white sand.

“Go on.” I folded my knees towards me and rested my chin on top of my folded arms to make me

feel comfortable while listening. “So, here it goes, not like I’m boasting but, it’s in reality. Many girls

fall for me. Like they like me, for my physical appearance ‘only’ . I want to be liked as a good person,

not just some pretty boy.” He silenced. I nodded my head as response, and he continued.  “ Some

of the girls are pretty, but I don’t usually talk to them. One reason is that, I want to make ‘ligaw’ you

know what I’m saying?” I nodded and smiled. He smiled back. “ I don’t want to like other girls who

already likes me. Because I want to be challenged and show her some effort on how I really love

her. The reason behind I don’t want to like or court a girl who already likes me is that, I don’t want

things to be effortless. Like, I can get her whenever I want. I don’t want to be that guy. I want to court

a girl with such effort and make her feel so special.” I waited to see if he’s kidding, but no. He is


                                                      He pressed his lips together and asked, “ How about you? Don’t you

have a boyfriend?” well, I guess it’s my turn to tell my side of the story. “ I did, once. But, I swore that

I would never do the same mistake again.” He took a deep breath and gazed at the sky as he lay

down on the sand. “Why? What happened?” his expression seemed a little interested, placing his

view consistently on me. “well, I fell in love with him at the wrong time. I loved him. But there are so

much hindrances and difficulties even though we love each other. He can’t also balance the

studies. But he promised that he’d come back. So, he did. But I did not love him at that time.” He

went back to sitting and placed his arms around my shoulder. “ It’s cold this night you know?” He

stared at me. I felt like I’m  in the safest place on Earth. He removed it and placed his warm hand

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