01 _ Friendship

75 9 19

Dedicated to omeh_ra

Shirley Russell

Friendship... I really don't know what this is. All this was different about a year ago and I was the happiest girl on the planet. Well I guess that illusion didn't last very long as the earth just had to spin so fast and in the opposite direction... and now...


Aarrgghh... I so HATE getting dressed. Reasons? One : it's too stressful; Two : I love being casual all the time; Three : I am really self conscious about my looks and Four : I am a paragon of an indecisive teen.

After six agonizing minutes of still being in my bath robe, I end up with a grey handless chiffon button-down, skinnies and black moccasins, my wavy red hair draping draping over my shoulders.

On my way downstairs, I heard a blend of noisy but pleasant fits of laughter. Tracing the voices (and my stomach), I got to the kitchen and, yep, it's my two favorite people - my dad and beloved older brother, Kyle.

"Good morning dad, morning Kyle."

It seemed like they didn't hear me because my brother is still talking.

"Yeah, and he was like 'GGRRR YOU!'", he said in between laughter.

Now they're laughing again. Not to look stupid, I quietly went to get my breakfast; toast, beacon, sausages and a glass of milk.

"How dare you come into my kitchen and disturb the peace of my food?". I turned around to face Kyle who is looking like a cartoon character. Now they see me.

"Uh, 'cos it's my house and I'm hungry. And speaking of disturbing the peace of__"

"Uh, uh, uh. " He cuts me off and quickly swipes my food. "Olé!" he yelled like a bull rider.

I cross my arms angrily and my father, who has been watching us like some comedy lover watching an Eddie Murphy, is choking, what he gets from crossing coffee and laughter.

"My food, " I said weakly.

"No need to be so moody. Here. " Kyle said while giving me back my food.

"Thanks, " I said, flashing him a quick half smile. I made my way to the seat opposite my dad and begin to eat quietly. I have got to admit, my brother is one of the best cooks I know but I don't think I'll ever get used to his cooking.

"Great food, " I said.

"Yeah, I know right, " Kyle replied.

Same old egotistical brother. I am quite sure being just three years older than me accounts for our closeness. Just then, my dad who had been quietly at his phone spoke.

"I'm sure you will have a great day at school, Shir, promise. " He must have been able to tell from my sudden quietness.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, " I mumbled.

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