Aqualad x reader pt2

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This was requested by EmmaSpringLuv  Hope you like it

Aqualads Pov
I feel that y/n is faking her love for me she seemed to happy when I returned.
I've decided to breakup with her .
I know it will cause me hurt but I feel that it's right .

"Hey y/n can I talk to you ?" I asked when I seen her in the kitchen .
"Yeah sure !" She replied a little to happy to be real .
"I think we should break up ! " I said calmly
"Kaldur what? " she said confused
" I think we should breakup !" I said again .then walked away .

Since we broke up I've not done much only gone in missions .
I've noticed y/n hasn't been out as usual probably part if her act .

Y/ns Pov
He said he wanted to breakup with me and I couldn't handle it .
Days have passed and I haven't left my room , whenever I was out of my room people noticed how depressed I was so I decided not to leave my room.
Today zatanna , m'gann and Artemis came into my room to talk about my depression.
"No guys I will not go and talk to him , he broke my heart !" I exclaimed
" come on y/n !" Zatanna said
"No !" I said again
After that they just stayed and hugged me for about 10 minutes then left .

Aqualads Pov
Today I was asking dick about what was wrong with y/n.
"You broke her heart kaldur , she is depressed and broken , how could you do that to her !" He shouted at my face
"I really hurt her didn't I " I said ashamed.
"Yes , yes you did !" He said before storming off somewhere .
'I have to talk to her , she really did love me 'I thought

Y/ns pov
I heard a knock at my door so I unlocked it and said come in whilst walking back to my bed .
" y/n we need to talk " I heard kaldur say
"About what ?" I said .
" our breakup y/n " he said
" the fact you broke up with me and showed no emotion , I thought you loved me kaldur , because I certainly loved you and still do !" I shouted
" can we please just talk about this ?" Kaldur asked
" fine " I said reluctant

We talked about our breakup and how he thought I never loved him and how he realised that I do love him .

At the end of the night we had made up and were back as a couple.
When the others found out they were happy .

Hope you liked it and it's what you thought it would be EmmaSpringLuv
Oh and btw go check her account out
Requests are still open and thanks for 1.5 k !!!! Reads xx

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