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Dear Diary ,
12th March .
First day of senior year .
Excited ? Well.. yes.
Ready ? Absolutely not.
The previous years at Greenwood high have not been so exciting either so I am not expecting this year to be any different . We'll just so that you know , yes , I finally set up Cassie with Riley . I guess they were always meant to be, besides Riley really liked her and now even Cassie likes him back. I know what you might think , You liked Riley, why would you do this ? Etc etc... But I always knew Riley didn't like me back. For him I was always his best friend , one with whom he could talk about girls , and of course I don't blame him. That's how friendship is supposed to be. Well, being best friends has its own disadvantages. Besides I would never put my friendship with him at stake because of the crush I had on him. What can I say, I am a coward like that. Geez ... It's 7:30 ... Cassie's honking the horn downstairs like crazy. Okay.. got to go for now , bye !
Ya, I'll have fun.. you know me well wouldn't I ?

With that I shut the diary , grabbed my bag , rushed downstairs , grabbed an apple and of course my headphones and finally opened the door to a blaring Cassie.

Now this girl is important. She is the closest thing I have to a best friend . Being a 'tomboy' as people label me , tolerating girl drama is not my cup of tea, and Cassie is just the one I need. Less drama , just right amount of gossip and well no interference in my business.

"Emma ! You are always late , come on babes !", Cassie shouted through the window of her black Honda Civic.

"Coming girl , finally playing basketball has its advantages. I can run fast" I said .

"Still she is late ,wonder what she does upstairs. " She mumbled.

" Drive ! " I ordered .

"Yes madam . " She scoffed.
A/N : Hey everyone ! So this is the first chapter of my first book. I hope u liked it , if so please vote.Kindly tell me what I should improve and what is good. Your opinions are highly appreciated. Also because I am a beginner kindly ignore the flaws , and tell me if there are any major ones .😁

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