1- Score !

36 11 9

We fell in a comfortable silence, Cassie was drumming her fingers on the steering wheel , while I put on my headphones and started listen to my all time favorite, black parade.
She had an unusual glow to her face this morning , I knew something was up.
Out of the blue , I asked her , "So someone's in a good mood ? ".

"Nah , nothing special " she shrugged .

"Who said about something special ?",I turned towards her with a smug smile.

"Um .. I .. " she started .

"Come on , " I cut her off ,"I know you well enough Cay , Besides you are as happy as a madman on Christmas . "

"Madman on Christmas ? , What kind of analogy is that ? You and your analogies are becoming strange day by day Em ... Got to do something about it ." She said more to herself than me .

"I really appreciate your ability to deflect my question , but I am better Cay so ya , I am waiting "


A tinge of despair came across on hearing this , but then I always knew this would happen when I set them up , so why now ?
I put my sadness aside and allowed excitement to overcome ,
"What ? Like seriously ? When? Today ?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Yes . Yes and yes for the last one ", She grinned .

"That's amazing Cay , why didn't you tell me earlier ? "

"He asked me yesterday itself "

"That boy , now that he has got you he doesn't care to tell me , Got to teach him a lesson " , I mused .

We reached school just in time , I reached my locker took my books for my first class , and started walking towards my class , Psychology . The class was boring as usual . But the next period I had my basketball practice , that somehow helped me beat the torture .
As soon as the bell rang , I moved out of the class towards my locker , took out my training clothes , changed in the washroom and proceeded to the gym.
This part of the day brought me solace. I entered the gym only to see Riley chatting with all the other players with his back towards me. I slapped his back and even without turning back he said , " Hey champ , how was psychology ? ".

He knew I hated the class and especially Mrs. White . She was that teacher who harboured a special hatred towards me and no matter what happens in the class it was my fault. I always thanked heavens for my after school basketball practice , otherwise I would have ended up in a detention 3 days a week at least , because yes you guessed it right , we have three psychology classes each week.

"Absolutely amazing " , I muttered , my voice coated with sarcasm and dipped gall.

"Always so chirpy .." , he mused .

"Hey, Em ! ",I was then greeted by my other teammates Brandon , Carl , Brett and Gale. Well, teammates was an understatement , they were like the protective friends cum brothers .

Before I could reply , our coach , Mr.Woods entered. He turned towards all of us ,
" We haven't come here to gossip ! All of you are well aware that we have an important match this Sunday . How can you be so relaxed ? Come on , start already , 3 extra rounds of the field today ! Only then you will come to the court ."

All of groaned and Riley was just about to say something when coach spoke up again , " Happy to hear this are we ? Great ! Then 5 extra .. Any questions ? ".

We shook our heads , and without daring to say another word , started running across the field.

You might be wondering what am I doing practicing with the boys. Well, Greenwood high could never have a girls basketball team , because girls here were too dramatic for sports and the closest they went to sports was cheerleading.

Besides I completely fitted with the boys , I was tall at 5'10" towering over most girls, basketball had done wonders for my height.Though the boys still towered above me , I wasn't too short.

We were panting with the last lap , Riley and I as usual competed for this last lap , who ever was first , would get the satisfaction of irritating the hell of the other , or I should rather say second because Brandon was always first. He was one of the fastest runners in the state, with an amazing stamina. Brandon even had a great build towering at 6' 2" with emerald eyes and dirty blonde hair , he had a great female fan following. Carl was his twin just that he had light blue eyes, and was a little less muscular and more lean , he was 6'. Riley however was 6'1" with a muscular back and an average build , but it was his grey eyes and olive skin that did the trick , if you know what I mean *wink*.
Gale and Brett were no less , both were 6' and sported cropped brown hair . All these boys were heartrobs , had had their fair share of girls, they were with a different girl each week , and this has happened for the past 3 years that I have been around , so that in itself tells you how large their fan following is . But Riley had changed now that he had a girlfriend , whom he could not hurt , he knew better than doing that because if he even imagined about hurting Cassie he knew I would strangle him and bury him alive , very ladylike ,I know *eye roll* .

Hey don't blame me , you hurt her, you hurt me !

That reminds me, " Hey someone's going out on a date tonight , uh? ", I asked Riley as we sat on the grass still panting .

"Yes , but I am still thinking where could be the best place to take her . " , He said thoughtfully.

"Well....Just so you know , She wasn very excited to go to that fair on the country side , then a romantic dinner would do the trick I guess.. " , I suggested , I already knew he could never come up with something.

He tackled me to the ground , the sweaty mess that he was , and muffled a thank you somewhere ,I jerked him off somehow getting back my oxygen supply.

"Jerk" I muttered .

Everyone was done with their laps and now we were done with our push up crunchies , burpies , and were practicing defending , Brandon was dribbling the ball before me, his eyes staring as if challenging , I held his gaze for sometime , and then before he could understand , the ball was gone, I moved in two long strides and scored .

The glare he shot me was chilling but I knew better , Brandon always glared when he lost the ball in this manner then just at the next moment he would ,

"Hey , let me go ! Hey Brandon , put me down ! " .. do this .. *sigh* .
I punched him on his back ,

"Ouch! Ouch ! Oh girl please have mercy on me.." , He chuckled.

"Just because you quoted Shawn Mendes ", I joked and left him .

The practice was over , the boys started moving to their classes , Carl called out for me, "Let's go, Em ".

" I have this period free , you guys go , I'll practice some penalties " I answered .

"Alrighty right , take care Em " , saying this he left me in the court practicing my penalties.

They had always been my weakness.

I missed a penalty and went to take the ball , just then I saw two hazel eyes look at me , he picked up the ball his eyes never leaving mine , his muscles flexed on picking up the ball, I was sure I was gawking. He threw the ball without even looking at the basket , that too when we were outside the Dee .
(well the Dee box is a region with a marked curve surrounding a basket )

I came out of my daze , when he did this and turned to look at the ball ...a perfect score !

My jaw dropped down to the floor . I turned to look back at him.

But Voila ! He was gone.

What was that ? Who was he ? Also the only feature I had seen were those mesmerizing hazel orbs with golden fleckles.

Strange. I thought .
Strange indeed.
A/N : Hey , All the beautiful people out there . So this chapter introduced new characters ,which one is ur favorite uh? Please give me ur reviews good or bay , reviews are always welcomed . Kindly vote if you have liked it. Follow for my updates . And how was the cliff hanger ?

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