the wolf

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“Okay raven so tell me. Who took you,” the councilor asked and I looked over at her. I didn’t like have to come see her but I knew it was for the best.

                “Shadow hunters,” I told her curtly and she took a deep breath.

                “Why did they take you?” she asked.

                “They wanted to know about wolves.”

                “But why would they take you if you weren’t a wolf?”

                “I was the weakest link. They thought they could get into my mind,” I told her.

                “Did they?” she asked as she looked over at me.

                “No,” I said and got to my feet. “I’m done.” I walked to the door and left. Luca got to his feet and looked at me.

“You were in there for five minutes,” he scolded.

                “And I’m ready to leave,” I growled and walk away. He sighed and followed me. I walked back into the main part of the house and took a deep breath.

                “What happened? I thought you wanted to start figuring things out?” Luca asked when he caught up to me.

                “She asked me if they got into my head,” I told him truthfully.

                “Oh?” he asked and raised an eye brow. I looked at him and let out a breath.

                “The shadow hunters tried to get answers out of me but I wouldn’t give them up so they beat me,” I told him and crossed my arms over my chest.

                “You let them do this to you for nine years because you were protecting us?” Luca asked shocked.

                “I would rather feel that sort of pain then watching my pack and family feel that pain,” I muttered and turned and went upstairs to my room. I softly closed the door behind myself and took a deep breath. Things seemed to be moving so quickly. My brain kept telling me to stop and run but my heart kept saying I should trust these people while my mouth wouldn’t stop talking! I swear I hadn’t talked this much in the nine years of me being kidnapped.

“When did they take you raven?” the councilor asked and I looked over at my friends. Luca nodded at me and Tess and Caleb smiled softly. I sighed and turned away. I wanted to smile at them but I couldn’t. I wanted to be who I used to be and be happy but I just couldn’t. So much had changed.

                “I was at the dance academy one night. I was the only one there so I was to close up after. I was just dancing and being myself when the door to the studio burst open. I saw them in the mirror and my heart dropped. I knew that it wasn’t going to be good. I knew instantly who and what they were. I tried to run. I went through the back door but they caught me. One grabbed me and threw me out the window and onto the hard pavement,” I told her and cringed at the thought. Tears welled up in my eyes and Luca started forward but I stopped him. “I’m okay. They were quick to pick me back up and throw me around a bit more. They didn’t say a word the whole time and then they threw me into their truck and the next thing I remembered was waking up in a small dark room three days later. They gave me very little water and only a piece of bread for food. They said if I cooperated and gave them the answers they wanted they wouldn’t hurt me but of course I didn’t so they hurt me.”

                “Nine years you let them do this to you. Why?” the councilor asked calmly. I didn’t answer her as I looked over at my friends and took a deep breath.

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