i can do this

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okay im sooooooo sorry i havent posted in like forever but things have been INSANE. i am starting my own business so ive been realyl focusing on that but heres the last part of her last step. i have a few other books and series in the works and i hope to post them soon! enjoy!

‘Just remember I’m here for you,’ my wolf spoke in my head as I looked at the run down warehouse. ‘And so are your friends and pack members.’

                I looked around to see the whole pack around me. I finally had the courage to lead them to the place that haunted me for almost a year. I was finally ready to face my fears and make these bastards pay for what they did to me.

                “Let’s take these guys down,” Luca called and the whole pack seemed to move in as one. Some were in wolf form while others stayed in human. I chose to stay in human because I wanted the shadow hunters to remember my face as I destroyed them.

                 I pushed past the front door and already fighting wolves. I walked right to the back and found my old room. It was still dark but it was left open. My eyes stung from tears but I tried to hold them back. I had to be strong this time. I wasn’t here to be tortured. I was here to get revenge for the pain these guys caused me.

                “I see you came crawling back,” a shadow hunter growled from behind me and I turned to look at him. He stood in the door way with his arms holding the door way as he looked at me. He had been one of the main guys to torture me and hurt me. He had been the worst out of all of them and all I wanted to do was rip his throat out and watch him die.

                “Yeah but I brought friends this time,” I growled and he raised an eye brow.

                “I see you found your voice,” he said and his gaze narrowed. Fear swept through me for a moment but it was soon gone and replaced by anger.

                “Yes I did and I also found a few other things,” I snapped and shot forward and gripped his throat in my hand. “Such as my anger and disgust. I also found my wolf and she wants nothing but you dead at her feet.”

                “Oh come on you don’t have it in you to kill someone,” the hunter snarled and I knew he was right but I wasn’t going to show him.

                “Maybe not but I do,” Luca growled and I looked up to see him standing behind the hunter. His hand moved so fast I didn’t even see what he did until the hunter lay dead at my feet and blood pouring out of his sliced throat.

                “Are you okay?” Luca asked as he grabbed my hand.

                “I’m fine. No fear,” I said and he smiled.

                “There’s just one last thing to do to this place,” he said and held I lighter up to me. “Would you like to do the honors?”

                “I would love to,” I said and took the lighter and lit the gas that now coated the floor on fire and walked out of the building with Luca right beside me. We both stood with the pack and watched as the warehouse burst into flames and took all the pain and hurt I had left with it. I no longer felt like I had to hide from everything in this work. I felt as if I could do anything.

                “Are you sure about this raven?” Luca asked as I looked out across the floor.

                “Positive,” I said and stepped away from him and into the middle of the room. I looked over at him and nodded my head. He took a deep breath and hit play on the stereo. I froze and the blood rushed from my face and my heart stopped beating. My hands began to shake and I wanted to gasp for air but I stopped myself and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and let the music rushed over me and soothe me.

                I took a step and let my body do what it felt was right. Instantly my body slipped into the same routine I had been practicing when I had been kidnapped but instead of shadow hunters I had my friends watching me. No one grabbed me and threw my out a window.

                Luca stepped forward and slipped his jacket off. He held out his hand and I grabbed it and he seemed to slip into the same trance I was in as the music took over. He spun me and lifted me into the air like a true dancer. Who knew Luca could dance. Guess my self-conscious hid a lot from me. One day I hoped that all the memories would come back but I wasn’t sure if they would. I knew my old memories of my friends were probably great and I missed them but I was ready to make new memories with the new me and my friends. I was ready to move on with my wolf and start fresh

                As the music began to end I ran and leapt into his arms and he lifted me high into the air and I couldn’t help but smile down at him. This was it. I was free of any pain or anger I had felt before. I would always worry about the shadow hunters coming back but now I knew I wasn’t alone. I had my friends and pack on my side but more importantly I had Luca. Without him I wouldn’t be where I am today and I would probably still be sitting in my room staring at nothing. through all the pain and suffering dance had been the one thing I turned back to even though it took me awhile. It was the one thing I would always have in my life.

                Some say I had made my last step as a dancer but I feel as if I took my last step as a broken hurt girl that had been kidnapped and beaten for nine years. But I also knew my pain and suffering wasn’t done yet…

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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