3. I need some sleep

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// Trigger warning //

Amy was an insomniac, she could barely ever sleep so on the nights that the pills failed her and she was jumping off the walls she went for a walk down the streets she knew so well from her midnight strolls.

She sighed heavily as another sleepless night began, she'd tried the pills but nothing seemed to work. Giving up she pulled on a black hoodie and dark skinny jeans although with a random pair of trainers not really caring about her appearance because honestly who was she going to bump into on the street at two am. Amy ran a brush through her hair quickly sorting out her bedhead hair and tiptoed out the house not wanting to wake Mark, Ethan, Kathryn or Tyler. Her trainers squeaked slightly on the floorboards but not enough to wake any of the others up. She looked down the corridor and took a deep breath of relief as she realised everyone was still asleep.

Double checking she had her phone and keys she snuck out. The streets seemed so beautiful at night lit by the dim lighting of nearby lampposts and the moon also cast a silvery glow. She looked up at the sky and smiled softly, it was a beautiful sight the scenery she was greeted with was the only reason she didn't mind her insomnia.

The park was about ten years old the swing seat was shabby and the wooden seat was hanging on by a few frayed strands of rope and the metal frame was rusted. The slide was rusted and the a mess of children footprints were almost tattooed onto the sliver metal which somehow had kept its shine. The monkey-bars couldn't support the weight of a baby and the red paint was peeling off. Old used needles and condom wrappers were hidden in the tall untrimmed grass. However despite the park's unattractive looks it held a lot of memories for Amy, memories of a time where she would smile and not be haunted by the past. A deep shaky breath passed her lips as she trudged through the tall grass, her foot hitting a small pocket knife which had been hidden there. She shivered as her foot hit it however she stepped over it and kept walking.

The trees darkly coloured leaves hid the beautiful night sky which was above the blonde and made the atmosphere of the park seem even darker which considering the appearance of the area was quite fitting. Nobody came to this park anymore as there was a new, shinier and definitely safer park not that far away. Children played at that park all day long, smiling happily and enjoying themselves usually under the careful watch of their parents.

The blonde female sighed as she came to her location. The swings, she was surprised that they were still held up, she didn't dare sit on the wooden seat in fear of it breaking and her falling into the muddy ground below. Not that she cared about getting mud on herself but it was what lay beneath the mud that she cared about. She began to softly scrap at the ground luckily it had just recently rained which meant the ground was soft and easy to move, she began to dig shuddering slightly as the mud got under her nails but that didn't stop her. She dug and dug knowing that what she was looking for was deep the ground - it had been buried so deep so that no one else would find it by mistake.

A photograph, a muddy torn photograph was what had been buried. Amy pulled it out and looked at it. In the picture was her and another woman - her girlfriend Signe. Tears threatened to spill as she slowly turned the photograph around to read the note on the back, the words were smudged but still legible.

Dear Amy
My beautiful gorgeous princess, you deserved the best life had to offer but unfortunately I wasn't the one that was able to give you the best. I won't give you the explanation for what I did, I think it's better for you to not know just know that I love you with all my heart and I always will
- Signe xx

"It's a little hard for you to love me when I'm dead!" Amy yelled at the photograph as tears fell smudging the words even more. She could barely see, barely breath. The blonde hugged her knees to her chest, whimpering softly and burying her face in her knees. More tears spilled and sobs escaped her. She missed Signe more than anything.

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