update!(read this its gonna help)

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OK so I have decided that every 5 chapters I will have an update

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The school:
Ok so Tucson high magnet school is a big high school
The main building is one of the first building up and on the hundredth anniversary they put a 100 on the main building it has everything in there like math,English, Spanish everything,in the main there is a library

The T building is called the technology & fine arts building short it's T or tech that building has all the technology obviously and arts like things to do with hands like clay, photography, videographer,and drawing and art also some math and science in the building.between the main and T building there is a bridge connected on the second and third floor to get to classes faster

The v building is the vocational building it's languages it's all Spanish and one class yoga and some French classes it's basically just language's

Next to the v building is the west gym with the locker rooms and basketball court is and next to that is the east gym that's where varsity locker rooms are and basketball court and yoga room

Between the main and tech building is the cafeteria and around campus is tables for lunch in back of school there is a tennis court and parking lot for seniors that got the parking by the gym there is a football field and a practice field

In front of the school  there is also a parking lot across the school is a corner store

Monroe and Matthew schedule
Body conditioning
Spanish 1-2
Communication media technology (CMT or cte) 1
Science: physics
Clay&ceramics 1
Algebra 1

If any questions let me know and comment and vote


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