Ironhide x Alysson

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Request By: IronhidesGirl20

Oc: Alysson, Cybertronian Femme

Her Bot: Ironhide, Bayverse

Hope you Enjoy!


Horny. That's all Alysson felt as she watched her mech talk to Major Lennox. She stood at the side of the base, watching as some bots did their own thing, but her Optic's then glued on thhe black bot. They were mates, and loved  each other very much, but the lack of intamicy was taking a toll on her. Don't get her wrong, she was not with Ironhide for the interfacing, she truly loved him, but sometimes she just needed him. As she stood there watching him, one of the Arcee sisters came over to her.

"What's going on hun?"

Elita-1 asked, but watched Alysson's gaze on Ironhide.

"Just go over their and drag his aft to the berth room."

Alysson rolled her eyes, but blushed a deep blue on her face plate. She looked over at Ironhide again, still noticing he was talking to Lennox.

"Or just send him something through the bond you guys have... That'll get his attention."

Elita-1 suggested, walking away, smirking at Alysson's facial expression.  Alysson looked back at Ironhide, looking over his robust frame. For a mech he was, as humans say, ripped. He did have the 'muscles' and his deep voice could make any femme melt into butter. She watched as Ironhide stood straight up, who was kneeling down to talk to Lennox better, then showing his legs. His tibulens were something else, I can tell you that, but that aft though. Alysson wasn't gonna lie, he had junk in his trunk, also another term humans would say. He had da' booty. Now Alysson really wanted him, finally taking Elita-1's last advice. She looked at Ironhide with a very wanting look, sending a wave of emotion through their bond.

The wave of emotion, really was her sending him her needs and even some vision's. Alysson smirked to herself as she saw his reaction. His optic's grew a little larger, his frame a little stiffer. As Lennox was talking about something, Ironhide glanced at Alysson, watching as she stood there staring back at him. Alysson smirked at him and gave him a seductive wink, waking away, swaying her hips. Ironhide heard a chuckle and looked back to Lennox, who smiling.

"Go get her tiger..."

Ironhide smiled and gave him a nod, watching as Lennox walked away to go talk to Epp's. Ironhide look back to where Alysson was walking away, only to see her waiting at the door, peaking out from behind the door frame. She made sure to see that everyone was not looking, then lifted her servo, using her digit to call him over. Ironhide look darkened a little, watching as she then walked out of sight. That's when he started following her. He glanced down the hall to see her turn into another hallway, but not before turning to look at him, and licked her top derma seductively.

Ironhide's frame shook and he kept following her, turning to the same hall, to see this was the hall to their berth room. He didn't see her in the hall, but figured she was in their room, waiting for him. Ironhide walked to their room, walking in, only to not see her their. Then he heard their door shut and lock. He turned around quickly, seeing Alysson lean her back against the door, rubbing her tibulens together.

"Sweetspark, I need you~"

Ironhide walked over to her quickly, pinning her against the door, creating a loud thud to echo in the room. Ironhide dip his helm down to capture her derma's with his. Alysson hummed happily, wrapping her arms around his neck guard. Ironhide wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up, making her wrap her legs around his waist plates. Alysson moaned as he poke and prodded her lips with his glossa, wanting to enter. Being a playful femme, she kept her intake closed. She heard the deep growl emerge from his throat, making her more excited, but as a bonus she got her aft a good smack. Alysson moaned again, allowing him entrance into her intake.

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