Optimus Prime x Livewire

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Request by: Primes_Sparkmate

Oc: Livewire, Cybertronian Femme

Bot: Optimus Prime, Primeverse



"Livewire you will accompany me on this mission, the rest of you will remain. We will call if we need backup."

Livewire was taken back by the order. This was the first time she was going on a mission with him, alone. She watched as the others obeyed, along with Ratchet opening the groundbridge to there destination. Optimus stood aside letting her walk through first, being a gentlemech. Livewire blushed a deep blue and walked through the groundbridge, Optimus following her.

"When will those love-birds confess already!"

Miko said, as the bridge closed. Ratchet sighed, shaking his helm.

"I cannot believe I am saying this, But I agree with you Miko..."

Meahwhile, Livewire kept her opti's on the look out, watching for any decepticons. She then heard Optimus speak.

"Our mission, go through the mine and and find any energon source."

Livewire nodded, walking into the mine, keeping her optic's open to see any sweet fuel for them. Optimus stayed behind her, looking around the ground, trying spot the blue substance. Then his optic's glanced towards Livewire, looking over her frame work. He watched as she was focused on the task at hand, but he couldn't but look lower down her frame. He would be lying if he said he didn't have feelings for Livewire, but what stopped him from confronting her was his nerves.

"Optimus, there."

She said pointing at the found energon, but then a loud noise was heard.

"What in primus was that?"

She asked, looking around, but blast from a cannon was heard.


Optimus said, pulling her towards him, just in time from getting hit. But the blast hit the wall with energon, but it carried more than they thought.

"Ratchet! We need an emergency groundbridge!"

Optimus said in his comm, ordering quickly and watching as the wall filed with energon was going to explode.

Then the bridge opened, making the bots rush through it, and back into base. The bridge closed quickly, causing Miko to gasp.

"What was that explosion! Did you kick any Con butt?!!" She asked.

Livewire rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the smile on her faceplate.

"Yes Miko. No Miko." She said answering both of Miko's questions bluntly.

Miko whined and sat back on the couch, with a huff. Livewire only rolled her optics, but glanced over to see Optimus standing by Ratchet, probably telling him what happened. Livewire looked to see everyone else was busy, so she decided to just go to her berth room.

She walked through the halls, her minds going towards her leader and friend. Her and Optimus only met a year ago, when she landed on earth and the rest of the bots found her energon signal. She remember it like it was yesterday...


Livewire held on to her seat tightly, as her escape pod was rushing down from the sky, hitting a green flooring. When the pod it the ground, it took good hits, getting dents and scraps everywhere. Meanwhile Livewire jolted around, her side hitting against the pod, causing her to grunt in pain. As the pod came close to stopping from jolting around, Livewire hit her held hard on the ceiling of the pod. Livewire offline for seemed like 5 minutes, but was close to two hours.

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