MiniCanadian #3

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L I L Y ' S T H E M B Y H A R R Y P O T T E R S O U N D T R A C K


A flash of green light blinded Simon's vision and a cold, wave of force threw him to the dirt ground, his fingers balled around damp leaves as the pain echoed throughout his ears and the ringing deafened him for moments.

He tried lift himself up, his bones shook and the world was a blur and tipped as he tried to catch his breath, his eyes darted around him to try and find something he could use to lift himself to his feet. Simon crawled over to a nearby tree and placed his shaking hand on the rough bark, dogging his nails in to help bring himself to his feet, that almost gave out on him, but retained his balance and his vision began to clear.

Dementors flew around in the pale blue sky, dark clouds began to shield over it and rain began to fall upon them, icily cold and bitter winds swept in, the trees that surrounded them were wrapped in peeling, black bark and the branches stuck out like bony claws, his eyes then fell upon the body that laid still on the ground. He forced himself to move, his legs felt like led but that didn't stop him as he raced over to the person he knew, the person loved the most, the person who brought light into his life.

"Mitch...." He whispered, voice breathless and cracked, he fell to his knees next to his lover and lifted his head onto his lap, Mitch's eyes slowly opened and his breathing was uneven and broken, blood had pooled through his ripped shirt and a slither of blood trailed out his mouth and nose and his once fairly toned skin had been drained to an almost see through white. Simon, with panic flowing throw him, withdrew his wand, an ten inch ash wood with Dragon heart string, and placed it on Mitch's chest.


Bandages flew from the end of his wand and spun around his chest band, strapped tightly into a split, but the bleeding continued and he whimpered out of fear, again, he tapped the tip of his wand on his chest and whispered "Vulnera Sanentur" as he prayed it would do something to the large, deep gash in his chest. The bleeding seemed to slow and gave Mitch some ease as he gasped for a hitched breathe.

"It's okay, baby, you're gonna be fine." He comforted confidently, Mitch smiled weakly at him before his face scrunched up in pain and he yelped, his grip on Simon's hand tightening. Simon shot his head up as he heard footsteps approaching and saw the man, no, monster they had been trying kill for many years, Nigrum Mortem, his skin almost blue and eyes an empty void, an abyss of inky darkness that resembled his heart, bleach hair pushed back and a scar ran across his neck. A toothed grin spread cross his pointed face and Simon felt his blood run cold.

"Please... you've got what you've wanted." He begged, tears filled his eyes as he watched Nigrum pull out his wand, twelve inch blackthorn wood with Phoenix feather, and pointed it at Mitch. "And give you the chance to ruin my future plans? I don't think so. Now move." Nigrum hissed, but Simon remained and pointed his wand at him, determination glowing in his cornflower blue eyes and a steel look fixed on his face. This only made Nigrum sickly laugh. "Never in all my years have I ever met a Slytherin as loyal as you, especially to someone of the likes of him." He said amusedly, looking over his attempts to heal Mitch's wounds and back up into his eyes. Simon could feel Mitch's light dying, his breathing slowed and his body trembled as his grip loosened, he gazed down at the dying boy on his lap and back up at Nigrum. "I will always be loyal to him, I will always put my life before his, I will always treasure him, I will always protect him. Always." Simon growled huskily, sweat gathered up in the palms of his hands and on the top of his forehead, his breath was deep and forceful and he glared poisonous daggers into Nigrum. Nigrum smirked devilishly.

Suddenly, Simon felt large arms hook around him and dragged him away from Mitch, he screamed and yelled and kicked but he could do nothing, his wand lay a few feet from him and then he fell weak as the breath was stolen from him when a punch was thrown at his side. He watched helpless as Nigrum forced Mitch onto his wobbly knees, Nigrum pointed his wand at the ground beneath him and muttered the word "Serpensortia" for snakes to slither from beneath the ground, their green and brown scaled bodies tying Mitch to the spot, wrapping around his legs and arms and a albino python crept it's way around his boyfriend's neck, ruby buttons staring into his.

"Tell me, my dear boy, who owns the wand?" Nigrum questioned, pulling the thin, metallic box from his shadow-like cloak, he opened it and revealed the Wand of the four children, fourteen inches, Yew wood and Phoenix feather, the four letters G, H, S and R engraved into the silver wood. Nigrum growled, growing impatient and got right up in Mitch's bruised face. "NOW!" The response he was presented with was Mitch spitting blood and saliva in his face, a smirk on his battered lips. Wiping away the slime of his face, he gazed down at him with a snarling lip and narrowed eyes, the constrictor tightened round his neck and he struggled to catch air. "And I thought Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart..... CRUCIO!"

A scream so blood curdling that it made the wizards and witches behind Nigrum flinch as it ripped through the air, Mitch arched his back forward and fell to the ground as he twisted and cried out of pure, complete agony, it felt like daggers were cutting and pulling at his nerves and were slicing through tendons and muscle. Simon yelled and begged for him to stop, he had no strength, so all he could do was watch as his love was tortured.


Simon's last fatal of saving Mitch had caught Nigrum's attention, Mitch stopped screaming and lay panting and whimpering on the ground, Nigrum gave the two black-haired boys permission to release Simon and he sprinted over to Mitch, who struggled to breathe, and pulled him into his chest.

"Go on then, tell me. Or you better say goodbye to your boyfriend." Nigrum snickered and Mitch shook his head lightly. "No, Simon, he'll kill you." Mitch cried, trying to stop him, but Simon shook his head and leaned down as they pressed their lips together, their last kiss. They cried, tears trickling down their cheeks and lips trembling as they pulled apart, Mitch placed his shaky fingers on Simon's cheek. "Please don't do this, I need you." Mitch sobbed, clutching his shirt like a drowning man. "It's the only choice we have left. I'm doing this for everyone, especially you. The person I love the most, and I still will love you even when I'm gone." Simon placed one last kiss onto Mitch's lips before standing up, facing Nigrum. He dropped his wand to the ground. The air became thick and the rain pelted against his skin. This was it.

"I should've known..."

He closed his eyes as he saw Nigrum point his wand towards him, victory glinting in his black eyes and a grin stretched his lips. Simon took in a deep breath through his mouth and released through his nose.


Well damn.....

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