Wild Dreams

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  I woke up to tea and awkward glances from John i struggles to ignore. We hadn't said a word to eachother since the fight last night. I was starting to feel humiliated for myself. He only wanted us to stop but I was begging for more like a desperate puppy. I did enjoy it very much so. And John had to have enjoyed it atleast a little bit.

  At the studio, John seemed to out more life into his singing as we were recording. I noticed the little things like his posture, the tones of his voice, how hid head moved around the microphone. He was gripping the microphone with two hands with his closed slightly nodding as he sung. I wanted the microphone stick to be me-well a certain part of me atleast. "Alright, take 2" said Eppy.

  We started again. All I could focus on was John. Everything about him I wanted. His mind, his body, his heart, I just wanted John. And this want was growing faster and faster and turning into a craving. A lustful one at that. I thought about last night, the things he did and the places he touched. I needed to feel it all over again. It felt so good especially the way he did it. As if he knew just what would satisfy my sexual fantasies.

  After a few more takes we took a break. I sat on a chair in the lunch room and grabbed a bottle of water. Ringo came over and sat next to me. John was infront of him and George was infront of me. "Good session, lads" John remarked. We all nodded in agreement. "Ey Johnny about lsst night" said Ringo. I froze.

  John only stared at him blankly.  "Oh yeah" George added on. "The ladies next to us were complaining about strange noises." Neverhad I ever wanted to leave my best mates so badly. I didn't even want to see John's reaction yet still I looked at him only to see he was looking at me too. His face was bright red and I could tell he didn't know what to say.

  He shrugged. "Well? You can tell us, who were they?" Ringo now had my full undying attention. I was confused and looking for opportunities to stall this conversation. "Who were who?" I finally spoke. "The girls from last night" I suddenly felt very relieved. They hadn't caught on to our sick game. "Uh, no one really..." John interupted me "Two handsome birds we grabbed from the bar. You should've seem them, they couldn't stop moaning" John was quite the actor. He made this lie seem so realistic. I quickly thought of something to add on. "Yeah and the ladies next to us must've been jealous"

  I was never good at lying. I doubted any of us were. But we could when we needed to. George and Ringo persisted on their names and where they were and things like that so I left John to do all of the lying. It was all a cover-up I was more than glad had came up.

  After a long day of recording we returned to the hotel late a night to get ready for tommorows concert. George was taking a shower and Ringo and John were both reading the newspaper. I was watching the telle. Tonight would be different even though my yearning for Johns knee rubbing my crotch would not rest.

  "Paul" John's voice had me almost flinching. We hadn't spoken all day and now he had finally worked up the guts to talk. This must be important. I turned. "Come here for a moment, I would like to talk to you" I stood up and he led me out the room and into a dark closet. "What the bloody hell are we doing in here" I finally spoke up.

  "I just wanted to talk. We couldn't talk about this around Ringo or anyone else" I nodded in agreement. It was true, this was the best place. "Look, I don't know what happened last night. I was just scared. I didn't want to stop, I just wasn't ready." He was getting closer to me and I wasn't sure what was going to happen.

  This closeness between us made my face feel hot. I couldn't help but blush. "I wanted to ask you this time if we could try again. In here, just this once and then we'll stop. I promise" It seemed like he really wanted this. I did too.  I nodded.

  He started taking off his shirt... "John" I moaned at seeing his bare chest. I wanted to touch it. "John, John" I kept saying. It was as if I was hearing a distant voice beckoning me on to do more. Waiting to see what I would say. "Come on Paul stop" John's voice was speaking but my hand was squeezing his nipples. I felt shakey and John's image was getting blurry. "Stop ye' bloody wanker" ...I awoke to see John shaking me. I was in bed fully dressed ready to perform.

  "Our concert is in 15 minutes get up or we're going to be late." I noticed my hands over his chest. I started to blush. "Did you...what ha-" He looked at me concerned. "Paul, it's time to stop" I wanted to break down and cry right then and there but I knew I had to get up and get ready to perform infront of a crowd of girls screaming so loud I can't even hear myself sing. It was all a dream, the closet part atleast. I had only imagined it, wanted it. But it didn't really happen and probably never would.

  "What was I saying?" I foolishly asked. I was making him blush now. "I don't know what you were fucking doing with me in your head but its either you come or we're leaving without you" he was right, they would leave without me even if we did need me to perform. Someone else would just have to fill-in. I finally got up, still in a daze from the dream  and John knowing.

  I wonder if the others heard, I hoped not. John's words from the previous night were haunting me about me likeing it, as if he didn't. Maybe he really didn't and that's possibly why he wanted to stop. It was why he wanted to stop. The realization stung, I just couldn't help it.


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