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As I anxiously wait for Jared to tell us to come on stage, I see Mal. I casually walk up to her and start conversation. Whenever I talk to her I feel like there is no problems in this world, time flies, and all that matters is us. Just like that Jared is motioning at us to come on stage. The sketch we are preforming is Naturally. I'm pretty excited for this sketch because I get to kiss Mal, but also nervous because... I have to kiss Mal. I run on stage and the crowd screams! As we go on with the sketch I see this look on Mallory's eyes that makes me feel special. We are going through the sketch and it's time, for the big kiss. We have been practicing without the kiss when we rehearse just to make it real. I have to pull her tight and fast up to my lips. This is when I knew, that Mattory might just be real.

We just finished Naturally on stage and I have to quickly get ready for the next sketch. Everyone backstage is saying it was awesome! As I'm changing Whitney comes up and says "Great job Mal! You and Matt really hit it off"
Knowing Whit she obviously said it sarcastically. We shared a laugh then went on the the next sketch. The whole rest of the day I was debating if Mattory was real. When me and Matt touched lips it was amazing, but I'm into Adam. So, it might not work out.
AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! Hope you like that chapter. Yes, it was short but I like to leave you guys on a cliff hanger! Thanks for reading! -Claudia

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