Ash's ORIGINAL weirdos!

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A puzzled brunette rushed into the living room, thumbs viciously attacking a bright screen in her grasp. She made a face, focusing her full attention on the task at hand. She wasn't going to lose this battle. No, not again. Therefore, when she did, she felt the innate need to fling the device at the nearest door.

To the young girl's dismay, the moment the cellular device left her hand, she immediately regretted it. Why? Because not only was she basically destroying her phone because of one measly video games, but as she released it from her grip, her older brother Alex opened the door between the living room and the kitchen.

Ash's hand flew to cover her mouth, her eyes widened with disbelief as the phone flew and hit her 18 year old brother, hitting him square in the stomach.

Alex gasped for air, clutching his stomach in agony as he collapsed to his knees.

"Alex!" Ash gasped, dropping to her knees as well. She looked over her brother, feeling bad about what she did. "I'm so sorry, Alex. Are you alright?"

Alex didn't respond. He merely picked up Ash's phone from where it had landed in his lap and handed it to his younger sister.

Ash set the device aside and hugged her brother.

In that moment, a boy, also younger than Alex, almost identical to Ash, entered the room. Through the front door, this time.

Asher raised an eyebrow. "The hell happened here?"

Ash rolled her eyes at her dark side. He was never the type to feel pity for those in pain. Typically, Ash didn't either. Unless it was her family or friends. Asher, on the other hand, only had a soft spot for Ash, Corey, and Courtney. Alex could fall off a cliff for all he cared. But if Ash stubbed a toe, that was a different story.

Alex took a deep breath into his lungs, beginning to stand up, Ash standing as well. "I'm fine, Asher. Thanks for asking." He retorted, sarcastically.

Asher gave Alex the thumbs up. "No prob, bud." He patted Alex on the back, causing him to fall forward once more.

Ash gasped at the sudden action. "Asher!!!" She shoved her dark side, sending him crashing to the floor as well.

She spread an outstretched hand toward her brother, leaving Asher to fend for himself.

Asher rolled his eyes, standing back up. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry."

Alex rolled his eyes at his "brother" per say.

Ash retrieved her phone. "Well, if you 2 would quit bickering, I have to go help Court cook. Asher, don't hurt Alex. Alex, don't demolish Asher."

Both boys rolled their eyes as Ash escaped to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Ash was met with to 12 year olds. 1, a young girl, busy coating raw chicken in uncooked eggs and breading, a common family recipe. Another, a young boy, busy tossing flour in the air like he just didn't care.

Ash chuckled. "Hi, Courty." she said, giving her younger sister a kiss on the forehead. "Hey, Corey." she said, doing the same to her sister's other half.

Both brunettes giggled, continuing what they were doing. They greeted the older sister with quick "Hey"'s as Ash quickly rummaged through the pantry in search of a sack of potatoes that wasn't currently bickering with another sack of potatoes in the living room.

Finding the desired substance in the depths of the bottom shelf, Ash happily skipped to the utensil compartment searching for a knife, a peeler and a cutting board.

About 30 minutes later, Corey having left due to the fact that Ash had confiscated the flour, Ash and Court were just about finishing up dinner. Chicken cutlets, roasted potatoes and broccoli.(though secretly, they had a broccoli mountain under the table every night...)

As Ashley started putting tonight's dinner into 3 separate bowls, she felt someone hug her from behind. She jumped at the sudden contact, flinging an arm back to collide with the attacker's head.


Ash spun around to see that the "attacker" was none other than Asher himself.

She scoffed, swooping down to help him up. "Asher, how many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me before you actually acknowledge it?"

Asher shrugged, rubbing the bump left on his forehead.

Ash sighed, kissing the agitated forehead. "You okay, Asher?"

Asher nodded. "Yeah. I'm okay."

Ash nodded along. "Good. Now, why don't you go help your brother set the table, eh?"

Asher gave an eye roll, but obeyed.

Ash finished up what she was doing and her and Court brought the food in.

At dinner, the table was at a stand still, drowned in awkward silence.

After 5 minutes of silent munching, Corey piped up. "Hey, Alex. A friend of mine is coming over later. Is that okay?"

Asher snickers like a candy bar. "What? You havin' a girl over or something?"

Corey's face got all red.

"Oh, right." Asher continued, teasingly. "You don't like girls."

"Asher, leave 'im alone." Alex snapped, not looking up from his food as he prodded it, boredly.

"Why?" Asher asked. "'Cause you're insecure, too?"

Ash slammed her fork down on the plate and looked up at Asher. "Asher, if you don't leave them alone, I'll kill you, hear me?"

Asher rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Please. You couldn't if you wanted to."

Ash growled at Asher, ready to prove the theory wrong and demolish her other self when Corey began crying.

Both Ash and Asher turned to look at the young boy. Their eyes showed sympathy for the boy.

"Is it so bad that I like guys?" he wept.

Asher sighed, his heart devastatingly broken. He wrapped his arms around his younger brother tightly. "I'm sorry, Corey." he pleaded. "I was just teasing. I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

Corey sniffled. "I-it's okay, Asher. I know you didn't mean it."

Alex piped up, saying, "Well, Corey. Your little friend can come over. You 2 could watch a movie or play a videogame or something. What's their name?"

Corey paused, biting his lip. "It's... Dominic."

Alex froze for a little while, catching the group's attention. He slowly looked up, his gaze beginning to meet Corey's. "Corey... wasn't Dominic the boy that you told me about? The one that you said goes out with a new guy every week? The one who has a signup sheet?"

"Um..." the doorbell rang and Corey sprang out of his seat. "That must be him. I'll get it!"

Ash, Courtney, and Asher chuckled as Alex sprang up as well, chasing after Corey to the door, screaming, "Corey, you are NOT allowed to "play" with this boy! You hear me?!!! Tell him to take a hike!"

Obviously, the boy never made it passed the doorway. Even after Corey convinced Alex to give him a second chance. 'Cause Dominic just had to make it a point that there seemed to be some type of building tool in Corey's pocket. And then, well, Corey kinda reacted by blushing a deep red/crimson and drooling a little.


Then, Corey was grounded. And Alex went upstairs to call Dominic's parents.

Well... normal day.

A normal day with Ash's family, that is.

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