Courtshort's wordless adventures of counseling!

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That was Courtney's life. For that week, at least. Why did she join lego robotics club again? And why was she stuck doing all of the binary coding?

The lord Ra only knows. But now she was stuck with it until next quarter when she was allowed to quit.

Which was the plan of most of the club members.

Courtney sat at the computer in the study, typing a long set of NOTHING.

As she typed, a young Corey skipped to her side. "Hey, Court!" he beamed.

Courtney did not respond, too focused so on her work.

Corey sighed. "Sorry I didn't sit with you at lunch. Dominic asked me to sit with him and, well, I kinda became a giggling mess. I hope you can forgive me."

Court gave a short, inadvertent nod.

Corey smiled giddily. "Thanks, Court. You're the best." He gave his sister a quick hug before retreating to his Dominic shrine in his bedroom.

Not a moment later, another approached the girl.

One of her 2 older brothers, though not related by blood.

The boy kicked the trash can beside the computer, nearly catching Court's attention. Nearly.

"Shoot!" he yelled, with different wording. "What the hell is wrong with that b-? Ow!" He had stubbed his toes on the chair Courtney was sitting in. Clearly the work of 4kids.

Court tilted her head slightly to the left in what seemed to be confusion.

Asher sighed. "Here. Let me explain. A certain brunette, cough cough Ash, ratted me out today in class! The teacher asked who put the push pin on her seat. And she said it was ME!!! Sure, it WAS me, but STILL! I'm her brother!!! Her best friend!!!!! That jerk!"

Court rolled her eyes.

"What? You think I'm overreacting?"

Court's head bobbed up and down softly.

Asher sighed once again. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I am overreacting. But I already yelled at Ash for it. I can't just apologize. I not me. It's too weak. Plus, she won't forgive me. When I went to sit at her table at lunch, she left the table the second she saw me."

Court shrugged.

"Well, I guess I could at least try. I can't fight with her forever. And Ash is pretty forgiving. Compared to others, at least."

Courtney gave a slight smile and Asher returned it with a weaker one.

"Thanks, sis." Asher mumbled, giving his little sister a kiss on the forehead. "Imma go apologize." Asher rushed up the stairs to his other sister's room.

And just 10 minutes later, 10 minutes filled with yelling and crashing and screaming and anger, oh, so much anger and hatred.

Then, there was a bang bigger than the creation of the universe, the sound having been generated by Ashley's bedroom door.

Loud stomping noises were heard from the stairs as a certain sister jetted down the stairs.

"Court, I need to talk." Ashley fumed.

Courtney simply did not reply.

Therefore, Ash continued. "Asher said he was sorry for something that happened at school and I told him I wouldn't forgive him until he promised that he wouldn't do it again. And then he said no, so I didn't forgive him. And then he got mad and called me stubborn. I called him an inconsiderate idiot. And we went back and forth until I finally stormed out! Out of MY OWN ROOM!!! Ugh!"

Court made a face.

Ash grimaced. "What's with the face?"

Court shrugged.

Ash sighed, much like Asher had. "I know. I know... I was too harsh... He meant well. He said sorry. And, well, he's Asher. I can't expect him to change his ways just like that."

Courtney smiled, nodding at her sister.

Ashley smiled. "I'm gonna go talk to him. Thanks, Courtshort." She pulled her sister into a quick hug before skipping up the stairs toward her brother's room.

And you could guess that this was the end of Mother Nature's pursuit to stifle Courtney's hard work, but if so, you would be wrong.

"Courtney, where are my keys?" Alex calls.

Court shrugged. "Hmmmh..." she mumbled, representing the words. "I don't know..."

Alex sighed, sitting down beside his youngest sister. "I'm losing my mind, Shorty."

Court chuckled.

Alex glared at his sister. "Not funny. Courtney, I think something's really wrong. I can't sleep, I can't think, I ca-... well, I can eat just fine, but still. Court, what's wrong with me?"

Courtney finally tore her eyes from the screen. She smirked at her brother. Not saying a word.

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Courtney...?" he asked questioningly.

Court stood from her chair, elbowing Alex, teasingly.

Alex rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Courtney, no. We've spoken about this. And I'm not lonely. I have you and Corey and Ashley and the other one."

Court narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms.

Alex sighed, his hands drifting to his sides. "Alright. Maybe I am... a teensy bit lonely. But I can't just magically fall in love with some random person... I guess I'll just have to wait to find the right person."

Courtney smiled up at her brother, hugging him 'round the waist. (Ya know. 'Cause she's short)

Alex hugged his baby sister back. "Thanks for the support, Court."

He left the room and Courtney was finally left to her computer to type in peace. And it didn't take a single word from her mouth.

And then, all of a sudden, Courtney's phone dinged. Of course, it was just a wattpad update, but what most caught her attention was the time 10:00 pm. Her bedtime? 9:30.

Courtney sighed, going off to bed. I guess she wasn't gonna finish her typing any time soon.

She could always just get kicked out of the club, anyway...

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