The begining of Zeke and Johnny...

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[¡!¡WARNING!¡! : If your name is Christina and you know me from school, I know you too well. Skip this chapter. You are too weirded out by even the fluffiest of fluff. I don't even know why. Anyway, just skip this, Christina. Ask me what happens in this chapter at school or over the phone. Thanks!]

Ash was skipping down the hall one day, headed toward her room so she could get her phone from the charger to write her stories.

She was almost there when all of a sudden, she heard a guitar riff.

She stopped in her tracks and turned toward the radiator of the noise.

She found herself facing a cherry wood door, the letter A spray painted on it in red paint.(because said person who owned the door at one point went through a graffiti faze)

Ash raised an eyebrow as she heard the riff again.

"What's Alex doing in there?" she mumbled to herself.

She then began hearing more than just riffs.


"I want you. I need you." the person sang. "I need you there to make me feel alright.

The moment we met, I saw sparks fly.

The moment we kissed, I felt more alive.

So, why don't we stay like this forever.

As long as we're together."


Ash smiled. It was truly a beautiful song. And Ash knew exactly who wrote it.

Ash entered the room. "That was a pretty song." she noted. "Who's it for?"

Her older brother yelled, "Gah!" Falling back, guitar still in hand.

Ash helped her brother up(how many times is this situation going to happen?) from his spot on the floor.

"So, who's the song for? You dating someone?" Ash asked excitedly.

Alex's cheeks became a very light pink. "No."

Ash tilted her head, confusedly. "Then, who's the song about?"

Alex's gaze trailed to the floor. "Well... my... dream guy."

Ash dragged out a long "Aaaaaaaw..." putting an arm around her brother, teasingly. "What's he like?"

Alex scoffed. "Like I'd tell you."

"Pleeeeaaaaaaaaase." Ash pleaded.

Alex put his foot down. "No. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to help Court with her homework."

Alex marched out the room, begging his blush to subside.

Ash chuckled maniacally, picking up a small notebook with a shiny red cover. "The fool left his notebook unattended. Ha!" She read the notebook cover to cover.

Her older brother was looking for a boy who was sensitive yet wild. One who loved music, dancing, singing, everything he likes. He prefers the boy to be around his height yet more fragile.

Ash was so going to find someone for her brother.

So, she was on her phone one day when she got a message from @stacieblue43 . She was running a uke adoption center.

"Perfect." Ash thought as she began contacting Stacie.

About a day later, Ash was home alone when the doorbell rang.

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