The Beginning

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Alright guys, here goes nothing. Please tell me in the comments below if I should continue or not! Thanks xoxoxo  


Hi, My name is Matt and I recently just moved back to Arlington, Texas after living in California for two years and I can honestly say.. I've never been so happy to be back here. California was completely dreadful to me because all I have ever known was Texas after 14 years of living there, then when my father got the job he's been praying and hoping for. My whole life crashed because I was just starting my Freshman year of high school and that was the first year I wasn't severely bullied. I completely had to relocate and everything was going to be the same way it was... surely enough it was. After a year and a half of begging to move back to my home town my Mother begun to miss her family back there like crazy and she was helping me to convince my Dad to see if he could get transferred. My father never listened to me because he's always disliked me for coming out as Gay right before we left to California but when my mother says it ONCE he starts calling and everything was just so complicated.. My father couldn't find a way to get us back here so soon so we had to wait an additional five months before his boss finally got him the same position back in Arlington which I was completely pissed at because why couldn't he of just stayed there? Like seriously.. come on.  Tomorrow I was starting back at my old High school and I don't know if I should be worried or not.. will everyone remember who I was? There was one girl who I knew would remember me. Her name is Lariiah and we've been friends since diapers. Once I told her I was moving to California her heart literally dropped and started breaking down in front of me.. I couldn't help but feel the same as she was. She's my family she was there when I came out to my parents she was there when my dad kicked me out for a few days. She let me stay with her and her family.. She was the best person to me. I didn't tell her I was moving back because I wanted to surprise her and just show up at her door. This is how it went.

"Mom! Hurry up! we're going to miss her she's leaving for her game soon remember!?" I screamed and stopped down the stairs  only to see a furiated mother standing in front of the door. 

" I've been waiting here for the last 15 minutes! I called you like 10 times! " she said folding her arms and looking at me intently.

" oh.. u-uh.. sorry" he said while scratching his head.

" Just hurry your ass out to the car before I refuse to take you at all" she said in a loving tough kind of way.  I hopped into the car and whilst she put the keys into her ignition the blasting coming from the stereos hurt my ears.

" Sorry! I'm becoming hard of hearing.. this is the only way I can fully enjoy my music"  She said looking at my scared face.

"It's alright, just drive woman drive!" I say while she rolls her eyes at me.

Once we got to Lariiah's house I quickly ran out of the car and into her backyard. I use to always go this way to get past her parents, I don't know why they always told me to come in through the front door but I never accepted that offer. I thought it was just more fun to go through the back.

I walked up to her window and tried to push it up.. but no luck it was locked. So I went through her brothers window thankfully that was unlocked and I kind of walked up behind him and gave him a little scare.

"HEY WHAT THE FU-.. MATTHEW?! OH MY GO-" He said so loudly and I cut him off motioning him to be quiet while I walked out of his room and down the hallway to her room.

I slowly turn her door handle and find her on her bed making out with some guy I have never met. Her eyes caught mine and she pushed the guy I have never met off of her. The thing about Lariiah is she's very man crazy and sleeps around a lot.. I love the girl but what she does it's isn't safe. She lost her virginity at 15 and I still have mine proud with me. So, I wasn't surprised when I walked into her room and found what she was doing. So I braced for inpact when I saw those eyes dart at me.

" MATTY? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HOME?!" She said with excitement and shock " I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN CALIFORNIA! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?" she continued " ARE YOU HERE FOR A VISIT OR WH-" I cut her off.

" Yes, I was in California  but i'm here now..." I made a long dramatic pause and her face was priceless. "TO STAY!" 

Her eyes went wide and a huge grin on her face. She took of towards me jumping on me and giving me around a 6 minute hug.. I didn't mind I've just missed my best friend.

As I turned my head I still see that guy there and he just looked so..awkward and I whispered into Lariiah's ear " who is he? " she squealed forgetting he was here.

" Scott, this is my best friend in the whole entire world, Matthew Barrett" He waved over to me "Matty, this is Scott we recently just got together after five months of dating " she smiled happily up at him.

" How're you doing? " I smile at him putting out a hand for him to shake. 

"Just.. uh fantastic " he returns the smile.

Wow.. I thought to myself those beautiful blue eyes.. those lips.. that chin.. that facial structure oh my goodness. Just realizing we were still basically holding hands I rip mine away and I think a pink blush came to my face.

"So.. should I leave you two alone or?" I said to Lariiah. " I can always come back later"

" No! you stay here with Scott and I." " tell. me. everything." she said between squeals.

Scott looked very uncomfortable at this his face a bit worried.. I wonder what was troubling him.. oh maybe the fact that I barged in here and interrupted their make out session.

" No, no that's fine I should get going anyways it's getting pretty late"  he says while looking at his watch. " Plus, you two haven't seen each other in awhile is what I'm guessing so you need to catch each other up on everything" Before we protest to him leaving he already gave her a kiss on the cheek and flew out the door.. That made me a bit jealous.. why? it's his girlfriend so he's obviously straight. I shook it off and went back to Lariiah who was staring at me with her arms folded.

" He's mine you know, so don't try any funny business" she said dryly. I laughed.

" He's not even my type " I lied through my teeth and she believes me.

" So, tell me everything! " looking straight into my eyes  So I do so, I told her about my life over in California and how much I hated it and loved to be back and other things.

I looked down at my wristwatch to see what time it was " Holy crap! it's already midnight? how!" I say in a panic. She looked at me like I was joking or something.

" You always have a place here dumb shit " she laughed and through me a blanket and some pillows from her closet. I made a little fort and fell asleep pretty fast.

I had dreams about him.. Scott... I pictured how sexy he was.. he was pretty tall too just how I like them. Those eyes were extremely.. woah that's all I can describe it as. Then I woke up with a pillow being thrown at my head by none other than the queen bitch herself.

" LarLar.. WHAT WAS THAT FOR" I practicaly shouted it at her. She scanned my body up and down and let out a breath.

" You still snore you kept me up most of the night, so I thought it would be fair if I didn't sleep you didn't get to sleep " her lips curl into a sinister devilish smile.

I groaned and threw a pillow right back after she said that. " You know we have our first day of School tomorrow right? " I said looking straight at her through my half closed eyes. " I don't want to go with bags under my eyes so just put in earplugs and go back to sleep i'm not letting you deprive me a sleep"

She huffed back to her bed and threw herself on it and let out a big sigh " you sour-puss " 

We both fell asleep rather quickly again.. I still dreamt of you know who and I didn't know why, all I know is that there is something about him I can't quite put my finger on..


So, hey guys! this is the first chapter and at first I wasn't even going to include scott into this chapter but then I found him a place :)

Please comment and tell me what I should improve and give me positive feedback please or negative feedback whichever.

Chapter 2 will either be out by the end of tonight or tomorrow morning. :)

thank you xoxoxo

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